{16} Stain

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3rd person's POV

[m/n] took a seat next to Todoroki, he put his hero uniform case next to his legs and his backpack on his lap. He shifted a bit uncomfortably at his shoulders were pressed up against Todoroki's due to another passenger taking a seat next to [m/n] and pushing him up against the other. Todoroki-san is going to Endeavor's Hero Agency... but he doesn't know I'll be there too... I wonder how he'll react.... Todoroki noticed the other's fidgeting and obvious discomfort Why is he fidgeting so much?  Maybe I should talk to him, make him feel more comfortable... I don't know how that'll turn out though...

"[l/n]?" Todoroki called out to the smaller boy causing him to flinch a bit

"h-hai!" he yelped in a high pitched voice

"You seem to be extra fidgety around me, is there something I did wrong?" he said looking into his [e/c] eyes

"n-no... you did nothing wrong... I... I'm just nervous about the internship, that's all"

"I see... where will you be taking your internship?" he asked

"....um... it-it's at... Endeavor's Hero... agency..." his voice trailed off

"really?" Todoroki was shocked, My old man? but why? "if you don't mind me asking... why."

"Well... he sent an offer for me, i have no idea why he'd want someone like me... besides he may be able to help me, and I don't think any other hero would be happy if I choose them" [m/n] said looking at his hands


"You're going there as well, right, Todoroki-san?"


[m/n] was about to say something else but he was stopped by the whispering that he heard of the other passengers on the train thanks to his wolf ears

"isn't that the [l/n]'s son, the villains?"

"And that's Endeavor's son, right?"

"I wonder why he's hanging out with that villain" 

"He better be careful around that guy"


[m/n] stared down and squeezed his backpack tightly. I'm not surprised, the son of a hero shouldn't have any relations to the son of a villain anyways... [m/n] tried to ignore the comments, and Todoroki took notice of his distress

"[l/n]?" Todoroki called out to him, he looked around and saw the judgmental looks that the passengers were giving [m/n] "you can here them, can't you?" he stated more than asked

"yeah... but they're right... it's frowned upo--" [l/n] was interrupted by Todoroki placing his hands on ears to cover them, the tips of his fingers touching the bottom of his wolf ears, causing them to twitch "w-w-what are you doing T-Todoroki-san!" he whispered-yelled, his face red 

"what they say doesn't matter, right? it won't stop me from being with you" he smiled, [m/n] took both of his hands and place them on Todoroki's 'whoa... one hand is colder and another hand is... warm, it feels nice' [m/n] melted into his touch "you face is really red, I can feel the heat" Todoroki said softly, [m/n] squeezed Todoroki's hand

"o-our stop is next" [m/n] said finally noticing the occasional glances the passengers would give "we should get ready to go..." 

"ok" Todoroki said, whoa... I can't believe I actually did something like that. Todoroki ran a hand through his hair. 

Once they arrived their stop the got off and made their way to Endeavor's 

========== At Endeavor's hero agency (Day 1) ========== 

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