#Special ||Truth or Dare||

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NOTE: There are mature-ish contents ahead.... you have been WARNED!!! Enjoy~ ^-^

**[m/n]'s POV

I walked into class with Midoriya-san, Uraraka-san, and Iida-san. We made our way to our own seats since class would start in a few minutes. Next to me Kaminari, Kirishima, and Sero were gathered at Sero's table talking about... something. Suddenly I heard my name be called out by Kaminari

"[l/n]" I turned around and saw the three looking at me "truth or dare?"

"nani?" i had a huge question mark on my head 

"yeah, truth or dare?" Sero jumped in

"what is that?" the three had extremely shocked expression right now, I thought they were gonna yell at me for a second "d-did I say something... wrong?"

"you've... never played truth or dare?" Kirishima looked the most shocked

"oh, it's a game?" the three face planted into the desk "are you guys ok?!" 

*smack* *smack* *smack*

I looked down to see my tail was smacking the table excitedly, I soon began flustered realizing everyone was now looking at me, but then they just took their seats and right then sensei walked in. I was confused at first but then I realized that my tail had become some kind 'Sensei is here' alert system of some kind. 

"All right, let's begin." Aizawa said, beginning the class.

==========End of class==========

After class was pretty much done with, we had the rest of the period free so we could just chill until lunch. 

"[l/n]" I turned to see Kaminari "we've been thinking..." Kirishima and Sero appeared "tonight make sure you don't have any plans"

"eh? what for?" I asked

"we're gonna play truth or dare" Sero answered

"it's an important part of growing up, you can't graduate high school with having played this game" Kirishima said

"so, you'll play?" the three asked at the same time. all I could do was nod, besides... I was interested to know what this game was, what's the worse that could happen.

==========After school==========

**3rd person's POV

[m/n] and the rest of the students began packing up their things, excited that the weekend is finally here. [m/n] went up to turn in his worksheet to Aizawa-sensei

"Sensei, I'm done" he smiled brightly giving the pro hero the worksheet

"good job, today" he said collecting the paper, not really paying attention to what he said

"Arigato, sensei!" he had stars in his eyes, his ears were perked up high and his tail was waging all over the place Sensei, complimented me, again! "have a good weekend" 

"...uh, you too" Aizawa wasn't the best at dealing with this type of situation, he hasn't been in this situation before.

"hai" he bowed and skipped to Midoriya's desk

"you're happy" Midoriya said

"yeah, Sensei said I did a good job today" he smiled, this was one of the few times that Midoriya saw [m/n] smile so genuinely, like he really was happy. Sometimes Midoriya wishes he was the cause of these smiles more often.

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