Northern Lights

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Zak and Y/n get up quite early and begin getting ready for the day. After about an hour, they head out the hotel where Zak surprises her with the first surprise.

"Madam, Sir, right this way." Zak takes Y/n's hand and they follow the chauffeur who takes them to a black limousine.
"A limo? Wha-" Y/n is starstruck as she peers in and sees champagne, eggs and bacon wraps, pancakes, waffles and a whole lot more breakfast foods. They climb in and y/n immediately grabs a waffle and stacks a pancake on top, along with butter and syrup. They leave the hotel and the driver drives them around for about an hour and to their destination. It's an ice rink. Y/n jumps out and Zak follows, then they head inside.
"2 skate hires and entry tickets please." Zak says, paying the employee at the counter in just a couple of seconds, they're met with two pieces of paper, saying "1 pair ice skates" and head inside. They pull their skates on and skate around for the 2 hours they paid for.
They spend the rest of the day going from place to place, eating at food places as they go along and eventually, they jump in their limo, heading for their last destination. Once they're 2 minutes away, Zak puts a blindfold over her eyes. "We're almost there! Just a little more." When they make it, Zak leads y/n through the snow to a lookout point and pulls of the blindfold. Y/n's eyes are met with an array of blues and purples and greens.
"The northern lights! Zak it's beautiful!" She keeps her attention on the lights and soon after, Zak clears his throat. She turns to him on one knee, holding up a ring. She gasps and looks at his face then the ring then back at his face.
"Y/n... I've known you since we were only young. I used to love you but I never told you because I was just too chicken or something... ah I'm not good at this stuff but what I'm trying to say is, I want to spend my life with you.. I love you so much so... will you make me the happiest I've ever been... and..."

-To be continued-


Sorry this was so short bbs buttttt I want you guys to see my new Skeppy fanfic! I'll make sure the final chapter is extra long for you all.

Word count- 418

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