Did they..?

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It can't be him.. can it..?
Vincent begins getting more and more worried.
Please... please be okay Zak...
The news comes back on.
"We have received news on the situation. The couple who was involved in the car crash are not the ones at fault in this situation. That is all"
Damnit... Vincent's cheeks turn hot with anger and he walks over to the nurse. "Is he dead?" He swallows hard.
"I'm sorry, who?-"
"Zak Nazir Ahmad.. is he dead??" The nurse turns pale. "Answer me!!" He yells, clenching his hand into a fist, tight.
"I'm sorry sir.. we are doing the best we can to save him..." she looks at the ground with a sorry look on her face.
"No.. no no no!" Vincent collapses on the floor. "Nonono he has to be alive.. please PLEASE" Tears swell in his eyes. Dream and Darryl come over and Darryl talks to the nurse while Dream, tries calming him down.
He swallows hard and his stomach feels sick.
"But, but.. we are trying the best we can to save him-"
"I see.. thank you... what about uhm, y/n.. y/n l/n? Can we see her?"
"Yes.. she's awake. Room 05B"
"Okay thank you so much" the nurse leaves and Darryl tells Dream and Vincent about his findings. They head off to see her.

When they enter, she looks over at the door.
"Hey.." she says, softly. Vincent walks over and hugs her gently. "What's going on?" She asks and pulls him away to look at his face. "Why were you crying?" She asks wiping away his tears.
"Y/n..," he sniffles, "I-I'm so sorry... Zak is.." her face changes from sympathetic to worried to angry. She seems confused.
"No.. He's not.. he's alive right?? RIGHT??" She looks around, searching for reassurance but everyone looks away.. her eyes water and she starts crying instantly into her pillow.
"But.. they're trying everything they can to save him right now." Darryl tries calming her down but it doesn't work.

After a little while, a nurse comes in.
"I have some good news.. you can all come see him when you're ready"
"He's alive..?" Y/n says, hopeful. The nurse nods and she gets up quickly.
"Room 15B" she rushes out and heads to the room. As soon as she opens the door, she sees Zak sitting up, looking out the window. She cries tears of happiness.
"Zak.." she says and he turns and looks at her.
"Hi.." he smiles and she goes over and hugs him.
"I thought you were gone... they said you were gone.. I-I..-" Zak kisses her and when they pull apart, he holds her close.
"I'm okay now so that's all that matter, right?" He kisses the top of her head.
"Yeah.. you're right.. I'm just happy you're okay..."
"And I'm you..." he holds her closer. The news turns on, on the small tv in their room about the story.

"This will be the last time this will be spoken about tonight. The couple is okay and recolour in hospital, however, unfortunately, person who caused the crash which we have been told their name is Kyle Nin, has unfortunately, passed away."

Y/n looks at Zak sadly.

Time skip

After watching a movie, y/n falls asleep with her head in the crook of Zak's neck.

(Ok this is gonna be a long time skip. Pretty much, Zak still isn't recovered but he is mostly. He's just got a little bit of a limp from not using his legs. I don't want it to drag on too much because I want it to be exciting and I don't want to bore you all by reading about recovery)

2 months later

"Hey hey- it's okay I've got it" Y/n helps Zak to sit back down and turns the kettle on. "Coffee or Tea?"
"Coffee please.. I can do it y'know?"
"Yeah I know.. it's just that like, you pretty much saved me.."
"That was two months ago"
"I know but I wouldn't be here if not for you" she chuckles, nervously. Zak looks down at the scar in his arm which he used to protect y/n and sighs.
"It's okay. I will always protect you. Promise." He looks over at her and she smiles.
"And I'll always take care of you. Promise." She says, mockingly but meaning it. "Also, I might go out and get a new car today since mine was wreaked."
"I'll come with you"
"Really? Are you sure?"
"Yes of course. What car you thinking?"
"Maybe an Audi R8... it's been my dream car forever"
"Really? That's my car haah"
"I knoww.. when I saw it I was so excited" she smiles.
"Okay. What model? The new 2019 ones?"
"Noo I don't really like the way they look. I was thinking the 2018 model."
"Ooo okay. Have you saved up? They're pretty expensive"
"I should have enough. My phones down there can you please check?"
"Yeah of course" Zak opens up the bank app on her phone and gasps. "YOU HAVE 3 MILLION SAVED.. WHAT THE MUFFIN?!"
"Oh I didn't know I had that much..."
"Wh- F- When-" He's lost for words and y/n brings over his coffee.
"I've just been saving. It's only about 270 a fortnight for the two of us to live here.." Still speechless, she giggles at him. "I'm going to get ready." She smiles and gets up, kissing him on the cheek. "I love you"
"I love you too.." she gets up and gets in the shower. After a little while, she hears a loud bang and yells. "ZAK!" She frowns. He walks in laughing. "Ack- I'm showering" she peeps her head out around the curtain and Zak takes his shirt off. "What are you doing?" She asks, curiously, sort of blushing.
"Saving water" he responds, getting completely undressed. She hides her face, her cheeks burning hot, and he gets in the shower with her.

Okayyyy... did I have you guessing..? I hope I did 😂

I love you muffins sm. I hope you all had/have a good day. I'm taking ideas as well so if you have ideas for things which I can put in the story and would like to see it in here, leave a comment and I'll choose 1 or 2 of my favourites.

Word count: 1074

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