The News

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Zak lifts his head, which is extremely heavy, from the steering wheel and looks around, dazed and confused.
"Argh.." he looks over at y/n who was bleeding from a large cut in her forehead and grabs her hand. "Y/n.." he gives in the his tiredness and passes out again.

Zak hears muffled sirens, talking and blurred lights. He's going in and out of consciousness and trying to look around.
"Y/n.." he mumbles "where is she.. is she okay" still feeling dazed and confused, he tries to sit up and look around and he's told to lay down. He does so and fades out of consciousness again as soon as his head hits the headrest on the stretcher.

Vincent/a6d's POV

I'm laying back in bed watching my show and suddenly, the news comes on.

"We're sorry to interrupt this program with some breaking news. A car crash has occurred this afternoon"

"Holy shit that looks bad"

"Three people were involved in this crash having one unfortunately be pronounced dead on the scene."

"Wait isn't that.. thats y/n's car! Shit shit shit" he picks up his phone, his hands beginning to shake and scrolls to Zak's contact.
"I'm sorry, your call can not be connected"
"Stupid piece of shit" he calls y/n's phone
"I'm sorry, your call can not be connected"
"Fuck fuck fuck.. please be okay y/n and Zak.. please please" he keeps watching the news segment.

"The crash occurred when this afternoon, the car was speeding down the wrong side of the road straight towards the couple. One of the three is in critical condition and it is said that they may not make it. We will be updating you every hour"

"Nonono that means, Zak or y/n could be dead or dying..." he sighs and scrolls to Darryl's (bbh) number and calls.
"Darryl," he says, quickly "did you see the news?"
"The car accident? Yeah. It's unfortunate. Why?"
"That was Zak and Y/n"
"What?? Are you serious??"
"Yeah. I'm about to leave to head to the hospital now. Do you want me to come get you?"
"I'm with Dream right now but we'll both come. Oh my goodness those poor muffins"
"Okay. Leaving now be there in 5" he hangs up before Darryl can respond and gets in his car. He turns on the radio and the same story is on.

" happened earlier today. One of the victims is in dangerous condition and is on life support. They're in a coma as we speak..."

He turns off the radio and honks his horn out the front of Darryls house. "Hurry up" he yells out the window.
"Yeah yeah I'm coming!" He yells back, locking the door.
"Hey Vincent" Dream says as he jumps in the front seat.
"Sup Dream" he replies. When Darryl hops in the car, they leave straight away.

Time skip- at the hospital

No ones POV

"He's like family to us let us see him!!" Vincent yells at the nurse.
"I'm sorry but I can't right now.."
"What about y/n then. Can we see her?!!"
"I'm sorry but no.."
"Argh!!" He yells out in frustration and sits in a waiting chair.

"Nurse Beck- He needs a defibrillator- His heart is very weak and it won't hold for much longer"
"Okay coming," the nurse rushes out.
"Him?" Darryl says, worriedly.
"Zak is going to be okay," Vincent says, reassuringly, "I hope.."
"Hm? What was that?"

The nurse rushes out and talks to one of the doctors, looking distressed.
"We couldn't save him.." she says with tears in her eyes.
"From the accident..?" The doctor asks.
Vincent's eyes widen.
"Yes.. I'm sorry doctor.. we all really tried.."

No it has to be someone else... right? People have accidents all the time.. it can't be him...
Can it..?


Oop- who died..? Who knows... I do 👀
Hahdbbf might post who tonight.. or tomorrow.. or next week... or next month who knows 👀 👀 👀

Word count: 666
(Oop demon)

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