Wake up call

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Late in the night, there's a loud banging at the door. Y/n wakes up and groans, looking over at it.
"It's too early.." she says while getting up. She opens the door. "Hello.. officer?" She questions.
"Hello. Is this Miss l/n?" (last name)
"Yes this is. Why? May I help you?" Zak gets up and walks over, watching from afar.
"He's.." she collapses and bursts into tears. Gasping as she does. Zak runs over and places his hands on her shoulders. He looks at the officer and then back down at y/n. He stands up and walks over to the officer.
"What's going on?" He questions
"We uhm.." he swallows hard "found the body of her brother.. he was unfortunately murdered." Zak stands there wide mouthed and tears up.
"Really? I'll make sure she's okay.. thank you officer" he shuts the door. "Y/n" she stands up and hugs him tight.
"He's gone.." she keeps crying "he's gone forever and I didn't even get to say goodbye"
She cries for the next hour and eventually falls asleep again. Zak picks her up and takes her to bed, laying her down gently. Thoughts and memories flash through his mind of her brother. He used to be quite close with him as well.

"You can be my best man when I get married one day!"
"If you ever hahah"
"I will! I'm going to get married and you are going to be there"
"Will I really?"
"Yes. Promise me you will?"
"Okay blue. I promise"

Tears trickle down his cheeks and he wipes them with his sleeves. That doesn't help through as they keep coming. He gives y/n a kiss on the forehead and then heads onto the balcony, putting on his headphones, and listening to music.

ᴺᵒʷ ᵖˡᵃʸᶦⁿᵍ; [ Sunset Lover - Petit Biscuit ]
1:07 ——◦———— -4:05
↠ⁿᵉˣᵗ ˢᵒⁿᵍ ↺ ʳᵉᵖᵉᵃᵗ ⊜ ᵖᵃᵘˢᵉ
ᴠᴏʟᴜᴍᴇ : ▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮

He hums along time the beat, tapping his fingers trying not to think about what happened but memories just continue flooding in.

"Hahah I was gone for one day! Where's y/n?"
"She's at her friends. Let's go outside"
"Okayy heh"

Wiping more tears he stares down at his phone, scrolling through Facebook, at all the old photos of the two of them.

"Look Zak we got a puppy!"
"Oh cool. What's his name?"
"Blue! Y/n and I wanted him to be named after you"
"You guys didn't have to"
"No we wanted to!"

Eventually, his eyelids begin to get heavy and hard to keep up and he falls asleep.

Time skip

In the morning, Zak is woken up by the cold morning air. His eyes are still puffy and his head is pounding. Standing up, he's greeted by a very tired y/n.
"Morning.." she says, with a sniffle.
"Morning" he says, looking sadly at her. "What time is it?"
"It's like, 10:12 am I think..." she drinks something out of a glass.
"Is that.. alcohol?" He looks at her mug.
"Mhm.. it's a cinnamon thingy I don't know what it's called. Tastes good though mixed with coffee. How could you tell it was alcohol by the way?"
"The smell" They stand there, quiet for a couple seconds and then Y/n breaks the silence.
"Want some?" She holds her mug out to him
"Sure.." he replies, taking it and sipping. "It doesn't taste alcoholic. It just tastes like cinnamon coffee"
"I know right?" They head back inside and y/n looks over at Zak.
"How you feeling?" She asks. He nods.
"I'm okay.. what about you? You're more important"
"No I'm not. You took care of me and dealt with your feelings yourself. You helped me enough" she hugs him tight and he hugs her back. "You had a close relationship with him too.. you were both like brothers" he sighs a long, sad sigh and frowns.
"I'm going to miss him.. I'm just praying it wasn't long and painful.." he clenches his fists. "If it was your parents I'm going to kill them." She looks up at him and kisses his cheek while on her toes.
"I'll help you"
"Are you sure?" He relaxes his hands on her shoulders. "They're your parents"
"Mhm. 100%"
"Okay.." they eventually let go and y/n makes some lunch. They talk about there plan while eating.

"Okay so, I'll distract them by driving around and having them chase me and you search the apartment for any evidence"
"Won't the police have found something there?"
"Hmm.." Zak thinks for a moment. "You're right.. we might find a location or something though"
"You're right. I'll look in the office, kitchen, lounge etcetera."
"And do it fast. We don't want them to come back and find you"
"I will" they continue eating lasagna pockets. "Hmm"
"What if we got into outfits, like spies"
"Oh? What kind?"
"Like all black and stuff." She smiles
"Okay! As long as you keep that smile"
"I will!" They finally finish eating and put there plates away. Y/n gets changed into a black pair of leggings and a black one of Zak's hoodie. Pulling on a panda mouth mask. She walks out whilst tying her hair up and sees Zak in a black Kenzo sweatshirt and black jeans. He immediately blushes and rubs the back of his neck.
"You look amazing" he walks up to her and places his hands on her hips. She starts blushing as well.
"You don't look half bad yourself" she giggles and kisses him. "Be careful"
"I'll be fine. You're the one going in"
"Yeah I guess.. but you have people all around you"
"I know a few roads which have no one on them most the time. I'll be okay" he smiles "oh and I have something else for us" he walks away into his room and y/n decides to take her hair out again. He walks out holding something.
"What's that?" She asks curiously.
"It's an earpiece for both of us" he puts hers on her. "We can talk for distances up to 200 kilometres" he puts his in.
"That's so cool!" She turns hers on.
"You ready to head out Chia?" He says, smiling.
"You know it Blue" she smiles back.
They both get in their cars and drive to the apartment building.
"You okay?" Zak asks through the earpiece
"Yes I am. Let's go get these bastards" she says while she steps out.


OKay so this is suuuper late because I went out drinking and got drunk then passed out and then yeah.. anyways it's here! Enjoyyy

Word count: 1103

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