Chapter 20: Family

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A/N: WARNING: Do not play video until (M) symbol. Loses its significance if played earlier.


Kashi watched his companions sleep through the heavy downpour. He could not help but smile at their peaceful faces, especially considering how twisted their expressions had been moments ago.

To dodge the rain, they had descended to the top floor. But even then, the windows were really only large gaps in the wall so the rain got in regardless. To combat this, Kira and Hektor took up positions just to the side of a window. Hektor in his shining armor sat against the wall, head rested against the handle of his war axe, while Kira, darker than night, lay on the other side of the window, head turned away from the rain.

Kashi found it intriguing how they seemed to be divided by the rain coming in through the window. He was suddenly beset with a huge desire to draw so he took out his sketchpad. Using only a charcoal pencil he drew out the scene in front of him. his hands moving much faster and delicately than humanly possible.

Rather than a sketch, it turned out to be a black and white picture. Unknowingly, he had added every bit of detail he could, capturing both subjects perfectly. He also noticed just how much emphasis he had put on the incoming rain. It seemed alive, like it had a will of its own. The shadows beneath the raindrops encroached on both parties, seemingly pushing them apart.

The dark elf himself was not so sure why he had interpreted the scene that way, but he found it interesting nonetheless. He looked up to see Hektor fall to the side, but he jerked back when hit by the rain drops. Even Kira who turned her head during her sleep was repelled by the rain.

Kashi found the unfolding events so interesting, he put them all to paper, drawing each reaction with a frenzied enthusiasm. His hands got even darker from constant shading and manual cleaning as he finished page after page.

"When it rains it pours," Kashi remarked after close to two hours of constant heavy rainfall. Well, it made sense the rainy season was upon them. They had spent a good number of months in the world already.

Having drawn every reaction he could possibly think off, he closed his eyes to rest.

However, as if mocking him, the weather chose that very moment to calm, and allow the sun to sneak a peek through the clouds. The delf was roused awake by new wave of inspiration. He watched, fascinated as a little ray of sunlight broke through the midst of the rain pouring through the window. It cut right through the middle, then slowly began to expand drowning out the shadows.

Kashi's fingers moved before his mind did. He took out a set of colored pencils and started drawing the scene unfolding in front of him. The new pictures captured the moments the shadows were overtaken by light, to the rain ceasing, and finally, Hektor falling to the side, so his face was directly opposite Kira's.



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The delf was not sure if it was because of Hektor's curled frame, but something about the scene reminded him of the Yin-Yang symbol. Even the sunlight that had broken through was not fully bright as some of it was still hidden behind gradually dissipating clouds.

"The moment when light meets darkness, huh. The boiling point between justice and vengeance, the blurred line between good and evil. Okay, I like it." he inputted the name and smiled.

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