Here's what you do

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Sebs POV

I havent heard from Ella in the past couple of weeks. I mean, we've both been really busy. I've started filming 'I, Tonya' and she been getting tutored by the girl called Imogen, I think that's what mum said her name was. I guess the point I'm trying to make is that I miss my little sister. I've already missed 13 years of her life, I dont want to miss anymore.

Right now, I'm sat in my trailer staring at my phone, my finger hovering over Ella number. I dont know why I'm hesitating, shes my little sister, the chances of her picking up are really high. Maybe I'm just a bit intimidated by the fact that even though I've known her for a year, I still dont know everything about her. I've started to notice that when I ask if any boys have caught her eye at school, she dances around the question and never gives me a straight answer. Maybe shes not comfortable enough with me to talk to me about that stuff yet.


A knock on my trailer door grabs my attention. I stand up, slotting my phone into my back pocket as I open the door to see Margo on the other side.

"Hey Seb," she says beaming. "Someones left you a package but it seems that got the wrong trailer"

Before I could ask her what it was she lightly pulls something from next to her so it's clearly in my view. Turns out that something was my baby sister.

"Ella!" I jump out my trailer and wrap my arms around her shoulders. Both the girls laugh at my excitement to see Ella.

"Hey Bro," she mumbles nuzzeling into my chest. "Can we have a quick chat?" She asks pulling out if the hug and rubbing her arm awkwardly.

"Sure Sis, what's up?" I lead her into my trailer to the couch and pat it next to where I was sat. "Come sit down."

"Actually, I'd rather stay standing." She replies, avoiding to look me in the eye as her eyes dart around the trailer.

"Oh, um, ok. So, is everything ok?" Have I done something? Have i said something? Have i-

"I need to tell you something," she blurs out at full speed, "and I get if you dont want to be associated with me because of it cause you might not approve of it and-"

"Woah, woah, woah, slow down kiddo," I grab her arms to face her towards me, stopping her pacing, and put a hand to her cheek to make her look at me. "Nothing you say or do could ever make me not want to be associated with you, ok? Your my baby sister, my little Ella Bella, I'm always gonna want you in my life." I notice her eyes start to gather tears, but judging by the relived smile on her face they're happy tears. "Now, what is it you want to tell me?"

"I-I I'm pansexual" she whispers, looking down, trying to avoid my eyes again.

"Ok, and?"

Her head snaps up at my response. "That's it?" She says bewildered.

"Was that ment to be the thing I 'might not approve of'?" I ask, kind of hurt that she thinks that I might be homophobic. "You thought I might be homophobic?"

"No no no no no, I was just having a panic ramble. I know you weren't but I got really scared an nervous cause kids at school weren't very excepting an-"

"I understand, I would be nervous too. But remember, I dont give two shits about your sexuality, your gender identity, none of that. What I do give a shit about, is that you're happy and safe and loved and proud to be you. Nothing else matters."

Once I finished my mini speech, Ella through her arms around my neck and pulled me into a giant hug. As she cried away her stress she kept on whispering "Thank you, thank you. I love you Seb, thank you" I wrap my arms around her and pulled her further into the hug. Without realising I started to cry too. I'm not sure why but I did. I guess it's because I was so angry that because of the little pricks at her school made her so scared to tell me. Fucking wankers.

After a while, we pulled apart and Ella had the biggest grin on her face and that made me grin too.

Finally, Ella sat down next to me and let a massive sigh before turning to me. "Now, I need to ask for some help about something." She states.


"How do you ask a girl out?"


Ok ,stay cool Seb, stay cool.

"Well, my dear Sis, here's what you do..."

And we spend the next 2 hours planning out the best way to woo and ask out the girl that has my sisters heart.

And let me tell you, it's one hell of a plan

My Big Brother | Sebastian StanWhere stories live. Discover now