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Me and Zak were on our way to school. Its the Monday after the premiere and we were nervous as hell. My mum dropped us off and we went to meet up with some of our new friends. Ella and Dominic Jones, Callum Ord and Samantha McCluskey are their names. When they saw us they waved us other and started talking.

"So, how was the premiere?" Sam asks.

"Its was really fun until we got jump scared by Chris and Seb." I tell them as they laughed. The bell rang and we made our way to class. Our teacher is called Miss Barton and she is amazing. While doing roll call, a girl on our table turned to face me and Zak.

"When are you two gonna get together?" She says waggling her finger between the two of us.

"Oh no, we aren't getting together any time soon, like, ever." I tell her Zak nodding his head in agreement.

"Awww that's a shame, you'd make a good couple." She whines pouting.

"We're just friends." Zak insist.

"If you say so." She sighs, turning away to pay attention to Miss.

I turn to look at Zak but I can seem him staring at this girl across the room. I roll my eyes and look over at Dominic. He looks at me and sends me a smile, I give one back and check my watch. The bell goes and its time for science. We get to class and sit down at the back of the class. I'm in between Zak and Dom, Samantha in front of me and Ella next to her. Our teachers walks in and the lesson starts. I've always loved science since year 4 when Mr Radcliffe was teaching us forces and the difference between big and small pushes. After demonstrating a small push, he tied a kid to the chair with a helmet and pushed him so hard teachers had to open a door for him to go flying through because he wouldn't stop. Mr Brooks always favours me but today I just wanna be left alone by teachers and just talk to my mates.

Class finished and it was time for fitness. I got changed into a tank top and yoga pants and got started. I began with pull ups, moved on to push ups, a few lunges and squats and finished with some crunches. While doing my crunches Sam walked up to me and whispered "Just so you know Dom's staring at you." I finished and looked over in his direction. He was with Zak but as soon as I turned round he looked the other way blushing. I laughed and went to get changed.

Finally, school finished and me, Zak, Dom, Ella and Sam walked through the doors to see Jessie, Georgina and Will Robertson, Zak's friend.

"Jessie, Georgina!" I screamed running down to them. We threw ourselves into each other's arms and stayed like that for a few minutes silently crying over the months apart. I look over at Zak, who pulled Will into a bro hug, he smiled at me and I returned it through my tears. We pulled apart as our two groups moulded into one. "Its good to see you, Will." I say shaking his hand before he, surprising everyone, pulled me into a hug which I returned.

"Its good to see you too, Stan." He had always called me by my last name so its good to see that things haven't changed to much. We pulled away and sent him a smile.

"How are you guys here?" Zak asked

"Yeah, how are you here?" I ask, now really confused.

"Your brothers sent us over, its half term back in England." Georgina tolled us. "But I have to point one thing out." Georgina starts.

"What?" I ask.

"You guys are losing your British accent!" She shouts at us. Making us all laugh.

"Ella, who are these guys?" Asks Sam. I forgot they were there for a second.

"Oh yeah, guys these are Ella, Dominic and Samantha. Guys these are Jessie, Georgina and Will, our friends from England."

" Hi..." They all said at the same time kind of awkwardly.

"We'll see you guys tomorrow." Zak told Dom and that lot. They left but I did notice how Sam gave them a dirty glare. "Well come on let's go to set."

We find Seb's car and all clamber in. We looked in the front and saw both Seb and Chris. "Hey guys, did you like your surprise?" Seb says a cheeky grin plastering his face.

"Yes, my sly sibling." I say not wiping my grin off my face. "So how's it back in England?"

"It's OK, brunch and lunch is so boring now with out you. Plus maths is boring as hell without Zak making his little comments." Georgina tells us.

"Also, I've moved down in maths." Will tells us.

"What, why? You were great in maths." I'm astounded. He was really good at it.

"I don't have my answer machine sat next to me anymore." We all burst out laughing.

"You cheated off my sister?" Seb asks.

"Its not my fault she let me." Will said defensively making us all laugh.

"By the way I just wanna say well done on that prank you two did." Jessie tells Chris and Seb, making me and Zak groan in embarrassment.

"Yeah, that was sick, I be never seen Ella more scared in my life." Will chuckles.

"It's a talent." Chris gloats making everyone but me and Zak laugh.

"Yes well, you two have started a war." Zak says in a dramatic voice making me smirk.

"Indeed, watch out, " I start before leaning forward in between Chris and Seb. "Especially when you fall asleep." I whisper making everyone laugh.

"I'm now going to put alarms all over the house." Seb jokes. We joke around for the rest of the car ride. That was until I notice that we had driven straight past set.

"Hey Chris you just missed set." I inform him.

"Oh, did we forget to mention, " Chris says,

"We're going to Disney Land!"

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