What do I get?

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Ella's POV

Its finally the day. The day where I pluck up the courage to ask her out. Seb came up with this brilliant idea, it's so slick and clever and if it doesnt work then I dont know how Seb gets laid.

Its friday, the day imogen comes over to tutor me that's closest to the weekend and I had messaged her if we could go over algebra. Even though I've gotten so much better I'm practically a genius at it. I've written up a set of questions for her to go through with me, the last one being how I ask her out. I've gotta say, I'm impressed by Seb's ski-

Knock Knock

Oh crap, shes here. Ok. I've got this.

I shake my whole body and walk to the door and open it with a smile on my face.

Woah... I swear she gets more beautiful everytime I see her. Her hair is pulled back into a intricate braid that frames her face perfectly. The loose strands that run down her cheeks her face are like arrows pointing straight to her full lipped smile.

"Heyyy." God her voice. The only angel I'll ever listen to.

"Hey, come on in." I step back putting my arm out, allowing her into the living room. She smiles and thanks me, placing her hand on my shoulder, dragging it along my arm with her, her finger running across my palm. I feel my knees buckle at her light touch and a blush dust my cheeks.

She walks to the couch, placing her books across the coffee table and looks to me smiling. "So, are you gonna sit down?? You cant study from over there." Her voice fluttering with a laugh.

"Oh- uh- ye-yeah." I stutter out, the blush now very prominent to the point of reaching my ears. I make my way over, sitting down leaving a modest gap between the two of us. I dont think she liked it, as she budged up to me so our thighs brushed against eachother. I swear I almost fainted.

"So, algebra, let's get to it." Her voice full of enthusiasm as she begins to explain things I already understand.

I just watched her. I took in every little thing about her. The way her eyes liven up, the way lips looked so soft and kissable, I just wanna- You know what? Fuck the plan.

"So you take 3U and put on the other side making it -3U. Got it?" She asked looking over at me.

I turn myself slightly to face her properly. "So you take one part from one side and move it to the other?" I ask faking slight confusion.

"Exactly!" She exclaims, happy at my understanding.

"So, say if I take my lips from this side," I start, gently cupping her jaw with my hand. Her eyes flutter down to my lips before meeting mine once again. Her tongue darting out between her lips. "And move them to yours." I finish. Finally bringing my lips to hers. Our lips fit together perfectly, and after a few seconds I feel hers push back against mine. Her hand slowly cupping me cheek, pulling me further towards her. I do the same to her, fully pressed against her. I lightly skim her bottom lip with my tongue, my other hand moving up her thigh to her waist. She accepts and parts her lips and our tongues meet in a gentle dance. She moans slightly as my tightens its grip on her waist, so she takes me by surprise pushing me back on the couch and swings her leg over, straddling me.

She pulls away and we both become aware of the fact we need air. We sit there, kiss swollen lips, blushing cheeks and heaving lungs.

"I think you've got a hand on your algebra" she whispers smirking.

I throw my head back and let out a genuine laugh, before looking back at her with a smile on my face.

"Maybe, but I do have one question I'm stuck on. If I add U and Me together, what do I get?"

"A girlfriend" She whispers, leaning back towards me and initiating another kiss.

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