The Avengers

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After a few hours the flight has finished and I look out the window to see a giant blue sky with a beaming sun. As we exit the plane I'm engulfed with heat. Being from England means that it is very rare to feel warmth but over here I think I'm gonna over heat. "I wish I brought some suncream." I whisper making Seb laugh. As soon as we are on the ground we see a bunch of people waving around phones trying to find Sebastian. Swiftly, we weave through the crowd going unnoticed till a woman screams.

"Look its Sebastian Stan!" She runs up to us and asks for an autograph but the look of disgust when she saw me didn't go unnoticed.

"No, not after the look you just gave my sister, now scram." He says, venom dripping from his tongue. She pouts before turning on her heels and walking away. "Sorry about that."

"Are you kidding? That was awesome." I tell him smiling. When we left the airport with Mum by our side we called a taxi. As we got in and Mum turned to me.

"Ella you're gonna live with me during the week and at the weekend you can go and live with Seb"

"OK I'm fine with that." I tell her.

"Great but this week you need to stay with Seb while I sort out your room and find you a school to attend to." She says with a bright smile.

"Okay got it." I say. Before turning to Seb. "When do I meet the avengers?"

This make him laugh at the seriousness in my voice. "As soon as we get there." I tells me. Suddenly, I'm shattered, I give a giant yawn so big it kinda hurts. "Jet lags kicking in now isn't it?" He asks as I give him a tired nod.

"How do you do this for a living?" I ask.

"I get used to it." He tells me wrapping his arm around me. "I'll wake you up when we get there." He tells me.

"Good cuz I wanna meet Spiderman." I tell him.

"Traitor." He says. "He's on team iron man."

"Yes, I know and my heart has and always will be in team cap, plus they have my brother and Anthony Mackie on their team." I whisper before falling asleep to the sound of his laughs.

An hour later, I'm woken up by Sebastian shaking me slightly. At least I think its Sebastian till I open my eyes to see a strangers face. I scream and punch the person in the nose. I feel the bone crack under my knuckles. I hear Seb about my name and that's when I realised I had broken Chris Evans' nose. "Holy Crap, I'm so sorry." I look around to see Robert Downey Jr, Elizabeth Olsen, Anthony Mackie, Tom Holland, Scarlet Johansson, Jeremy Renner and Sebastian laughing their asses off. I also notice RDJ holding his phone in my direction, oh no. I turn my attention back to Chris who is still on the floor. "Are you okay?" I ask as I knelt down to help him up.

"I think you're the real supersoldier, where did you learn to punch like that?" He asks.

"I'm a black belt in martial arts." I tell him. They all look at me surprised. "I guess the punch was a reflex. Sorry." I'm blushing now.

"Well, kid by the looks of it you sure do pack a punch," Robert says putting a hand on my shoulder. "How old are you?" He asks.

"I turned 13 yesterday." I tell them. I see a bunch of shocked faces when I said that.

"How are you so damn tall?" Mackie asks. I'm 5ft 7 just so you know.

"I have no clue." I tell him blankly.

"OK, so here's the main question. Team Iron Man or Team Cap?" Tom asks.

"Well, on team iron man we have Black Widow, who is a master assassin, Spiderman, who has heightened strength, reflexes, eyesight and brains, but he had that from the start, so there goes all the cool people on their side," I say making everyone laugh at Robert's face. "Then on team cap we have Captain America, who has speed, strength and resilience, Winter Soldier, who has a vibrainium arm and the same qualities as Cap, Hawkeye, who has incredible accuracy with a bow and arrow, Scarlett Witch, who is able to create visible forces to block and attack her enemies and finally Falcon, who has a bird suit." I finish and hear everyone laughing at Anthony. "So yeah, I'm on Team Cap." I concluded.

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