Is this Violet Bingham?

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Ella's POV

After yesterday, I still don't know what came over me. Yes Evan hurt me but I shouldn't have punched him. At least, not in public.

Anyway, today is the day I'm going to Taika's audition with Zak. Jessie, Georgina and Will left for England this morning so now we're on our way to the audition place. I've been feeling butterflies in my stomach from the minute I woke up to Seb, Jessie and Georgina jumping on my bed and limbs. Seb's been really supportive up until now.

We are here...

We walk inside and see a bunch of other kids auditioning for the roles. We sign in, I get the script and try to memorise it as best as I can. I'm auditioning for the role of Zuri Bonzi, one of the Bonzi twins, she has the power to control the elements. While her brother, Ace Bonzi, can control people's minds and behaviour. Together they create more mischief and chaos than any other set of twins.

While memorising my lines, Seb nudges my shoulder, causing me to look up at him.

"You excited?" He whispers.

"Yeah, can't wait." I reply a smile stretching across my face.

"Good cau-"

Ring, Ring, Ring

"One sec Seb." I say grabbing my phone from my back pocket.

"Hello?" I answer.

"Hello, is this Violet Bingham?" The voice on the other end of the connection says.

"Yes." Even though my name may have changed I can deny that part of my life.

"Hello this is Chesterfield Hospital. I regret to inform you but your mother and father were involved in a car crash. They passed at the scene."

What!? I mean yes they hurt me but they were still raised me for 13 years and the last thing I told them was that I wasn't their daughter. Who says that to the people who raise them. Oh wait, Me. I know I was crying. I could feel each tear map its way down my face. What have I done?

"When's the funeral?" I ask my voice hoarse and rough with emotion.

"This Saturday." I doctor said.

"Thank you for letting me know." I say before pushing the red button to end the call.

"Ella?" I jumped completely forgetting about Sebastian being there. "What's happened?"

"My adoptive parents have died in a car crash. The funerals this Saturday." I say barley above a whisper.

As soon as Seb wrapped his arms around me I lost it. I was crying hysterically not caring if people around would stare. I lost my parents, the people who raised my for 13 beautiful years. And now I have to live my guilt for the rest of my life.

We left after that. I never spoke once, even when home, I just walked upstairs and packed for my trip to England after 10 months away.

And those world ran through my mind..

Is this Violet Bingham?

Who am I?

A question I now need to answer.

*****Author's Note*****

Hey guys!!

Here's another update and I want to say thank you for 2k reads. I'm pretty sure I screamed when I saw. So thank you for reading and sticking around. Not forgetting all your lovely comments. You guys keep my going and carrying on.

Bye xxxxx

*****Author's Note*****

My Big Brother | Sebastian StanWhere stories live. Discover now