Im Sorry

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Ella's POV

I'm outside the door.

My hand is hovering over the door.

"Go on Ella." I turn back to see Sebastian looking at me, pursed lipped and sad eyed.

Finally, I knock on the door, feeling as though its taken every ounce of strength my body. The door opens to my Aunty Elly, Sarah's sister, her blonde hair is in disarray, eyes red and swollen from tears. She sees me and just whispers my name before engulfing me in a hug so strong that I loose all control over my tears. I hug her back with the same amount of strength and sobbed in unison with her.

"They're gone..." I whimper into her shoulder.

"I know sweetheart." She whispers back. We pull apart and I step aside to introduce Seb.

"Elly this is Sebastian, my brother." I say delicately. He steps forward giving her the flowers we bought on the way here.

"I'm sorry for your lost ma'am." He says. Elly puts the flowers down and hugs him as well. Sebastian, obviously taken aback look over at me for help and I just nod, he hugs her back. He rubs her back and slowly pulls back and gives her a kind smile.

"The others are in the living room." She says looking back over to me. I walk through the door, Elly and Seb following me, and made my way into the living room. As I step in everyone goes silent.


I look down to see my 7 year old cousin, Lenny, looking up at me with a look of shock on his face. I bite my lip trying to hold back my tears but failing drastically.

"Yeah Bud." I say just above a whisper. He runs at me and throws himself into my arms. I break down all over again as all my other little cousins run over to me. "I've missed you guys so much." I say as I give each one of them a kiss on the head as I  hear a bunch of 'We've missed you too's. As they back up from me I look up at my older cousins Brogun, Bryna, Danny, Adam and Jason and run at them full speed. They all engulf me as I cry saying how much I missed them. They all comfort me as I continued sobbing. I pulled away only to be engulf by my aunts, uncle and grandparents. By the time all the hellos are finished I introduce Sebastian to them all.

I see Danny tense up as I say who Seb is. "So you're the bastard," he growled walking up to him. "You're the one who took away my baby cousin and made tell my sons that they may never see their big cousin again because she going her brother,"

"Danny..." Wendy, his wife whispered.

"They we're heartbroken and do you want to know what they asked me?" He paused. "They said 'Why didn't she come say goodbye?'".

I look over at Lenny and his little brothers and bursted out crying rushing over to them wrapping my arms around them whispering "I'm sorry." Over and over.

Why didn't I say goodbye? They're my world and I just left.

"Look man, I'm sorry I just want my sister back. I didn't know that she had any other family. If I did I would've drove her around to each one of your houses to say goodbye. But I didn't know. So once again I'm sorry." Seb said looking Danny straight in the eye.

"Boys..." I say standing up between the two of them. I look at my watch 10:00. "Its time to say goodbye."

***** Time Skip to after the funeral *****

During the After "Party" I'm with all my cousins and Sebastian.

"Wait a minute," Lenny says looking at Seb with a tilted head. "Say 'Who's Bucky?'," he ordered.

Seb chuckled before following his order. Lenny's face lit up with wonder and shouted " You're the Winter Soldier!!" He exclaimed smiling like an idiot.

"Yes I am." Seb said laughing at the bouts enthusiasm.

"Wait, who's the Winter Soldier?" Adam, Brogun's boyfriend, asked.

"Violet's brother!!" Lenny answered.

"Whoa, mate it is so amazing to meet you," he said walking up to shake his hand. "Could you do me a favour?"

"Yeah sure." Seb said smiling.

"Could you call my little brother Ben on my phone and surprise him? He loves you."

"Defiantly." Seb answered grinning.

The night carried on somewhat happily. Ben flipped out when Seb called him, I dance with all my little cousins and my big ones too but the best part was watching Seb and Elly talking and laughing. Today evolved from sadness to joy and I couldn't be more happy.

Ella's POV

Its been a week since the funeral and me and Seb having being staying with Elly. Its our second to last day in England and I asked them if we could take a field trip to a place called Porthtowan. (Its a real place in Cornwall and is a brilliant seaside destination) Its where I used to go every year at the end of the school year with my adoptive parents. I thought that I could throw some roses into the sea to say good bye one last time but also have a nice day in the sea. They said yes so we've packed a picnic to have at the beach, two body boards, swimming costumes and new sets of clothes to get changed into after going in the sea.

"Come on Ella or we're gonna go without you!" Seb shouts from the bottom of the stairs. He was excited to see where his little sister spent her holidays and enjoyed most of her childhood.

"Coming!" I called while jumping off the bed, racing down the stairs and jumping onto his back from fifth-to-last step. "Ready Seb?" I asked moving my face to his left. He twisted his neck to look me in the eye smiling like Cheshire Cat from Alice in Wonderland.

"You know it, Sis." I smile giving him a peck on the cheek before jumping down and racing to the car.

*****Author's Note*****

Hey guys!!!
Thank you for over 6k reads!!
I love you guys
Ella XXX

*****Author's Note*****

My Big Brother | Sebastian StanМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя