Hello America

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I turn to face my mum and brother and gave them a nod telling the that I was ready to leave. Seb swings an arm around my shoulder and we go to leave with mum next to us.

"Your brothers a loser!" Shouts someone from the crowd making us stop in our tracks. I push Seb's arm off me and face the idiot who said it.

Mason Robinson. Of course.

I make my way towards him and gave him a sweet smile. "Why are you smiling at me?" He asks

"Because I want the last thing you see to be something nice." I say before giving him a right hook to the face. Everyone gasps because this is the first thing I've ever done like this. "That was for talking crap about my brother." I start before kneeing him in his crown jewels. "And that was for everything else." I finish, leaving him on the floor in pain. I walk back the my family and left leaving them bewildered.

I hear footsteps catch up to me and see Sebastian with a giant grin on his face. He ruffles my hair saying "That's my little sister." Making me laugh.

We walk through the school gates and see a white Ford Kuga. My jaw drops as I look in awe at the car. Seb bends down to my height "I know, right?" Seb says chuckling. He straightens up and walks over and opens the door for me with an over the top bow. I laugh as I jump into the back seat before buckling myself in. Mum sits down in the passengers side, Seb at the driver's and me in the middle back. "So El, where did you live?" Seb asks.

"I lived not to far from here but after I found out about being adopted I ran away to live with Jessie and her family." I tell them.

"Why did you run away?" Mum asks concerned.

"Because I hate being lied to. Which is what they did. They even made up stories about my birth." I tell them getting angrier towards Brian and Sarah.

"Well, I can promise you that we will always be honest with you as long as you are honest with us." Mum says, making me smile. A thought popped in my mind and I look at Seb.

"Can I meet the cast of Civil War?" I say with a bit too much enthusiasm making them laugh.

"I was gonna ask you later but you beat me to it. Of course you can." He tells me making me even more excited. Mum turns on the radio and we hear the talk show guy say.

"Today a video of Sebastian Stan and a young girl hugging and talking to each other was posted on YouTube. It started off with two girls and Sebastian talking but when the blonde says something Sebastian turns to the brunette and says something before pulling the girl into a giant hug. The video continues to show what looks like a reunion. The title of this video was "Sebastian Stan meets his sister after 13 years apart." It has been confirmed that the brunette is the sister. Congratulations Sebastian and we send our love to your new sister." After that the station started playing Havana. The car is silent.

"The bastards." Seb sneers.

"Sebastian!" Mum scolds him hiving him a quick slap on the back of his head.

"Sorry El," Seb says sighing. "I just didn't want paparazzi in your life." He confesses.

"Well, I got Sebastian Stan as my brother. They were gonna find out at some point." I tell him leaning forward to place a hand on his shoulder. "Besides I couldn't ask for a better one." This makes him smile and place his hand on mine.

"I wish we never would've let you go." He whispers. I can hear the emotion in his voice as he says it.

"Well, I'm here now." I assure him, giving him a light kiss on the cheek. We hear a sniffle and turn to see Mum crying. "Mum what's up?" I ask getting a bit concerned.

My Big Brother | Sebastian StanWhere stories live. Discover now