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It's been a couple weeks since me and imogen got together and things are going great. Shes still my tutor but now we mostly use our 'study time' as dates. Funnily enough my grades have improved and my mum thinks I dont need to have imogen tutor me.
This got me thinking, how am I gonna find an excuse to hang out with Immy without mum getting suspicious?? I could use the study excuse but that seems pretty obvious.
I could just tell everyone that we're dating, it would be a lot easier. But what if-

"Hey Earth to Ella," Immy's voice breaks me out of my thought along with her hand waving back and forth infront of my face. "You still with me or do I need to get you a date with the coffee table you keep staring at? I'm starting to get jealous." She chuckles, a smirk forming on her face.

"What can I say? I'm a sucker for some mahogany" I joke back causing her to shake her head giggling.

"I cant blame you but I'm a sucker for something else" she says leaning closer to my face.

"Oh yeah? And what would that be?" I play along leaning in too unable to not let my eyes flicker to her lips.

"Well, you see it's," she starts, shifting so her lips are next to my ear. "You doing your fucking work." Shes says bluntly pulling away with a stern face, but it's pretty obvious shes trying to not break.

I groan in frustration, throwing my head back. "And here I thought I'd get a compliment. I can never win." I fall back into my seat dramatically and slide down until my butt falls of the chair and the rest of me goes with it.

"Oh stop being dramatic, you need to get this done then we can watch a movie together and cuddle." Immy says pulling me back up onto my seat and shoves a pencil in my hand.

"Ok, that's something I can do."

I get a move on and within the next half an hour we're on the couch, wrapped in a blanket with Treasure Planet on the TV. Immy rests her head on my chest, my arm around her waist and our legs tangled up and I havent been this happy in a while. Something about her gives me a new kind of joy, one that always gives me warmth and comfort with even the smallest gesture.

"Hey Immy, we should tell my family we're dating. That way I dont have to hide as much with my mum. Only if your comfortable with it of course, I dont want to push you into something that you don-" I'm cut off by a pair of lips on mine and I cant but melt into the kiss and move my hand up to cup her face. As she pulls away I'm met with a pair of the most gorgeous eyes I've ever seen and immediately put at ease. She smiles up at me putting her hand on mine on her cheek.

"I think that's a great idea."

I focus my eyes back to the situation, "What's a great idea?" I whisper cracking ny brain for the answer.

"God you're so dense." She laughs. "Us telling your family about us, ring a bell?"

"Oh yeah, that. Sorry, got distracted." I joke, rubbing the back of my neck to play off my embarrassment. "We could do it on saturday for my birthday party. Like a whole "Yay in 14 and guess what! I'm gay too!!"

"Sounds like a plan." She says through laughs.

**Time skip to saturday **

The day is here. Let's go.

It's my birthday party, not my actual birthday because a lot of people were working on that friday. A bunch of people are there like Zak, Seb, Mum, Chris, Jessie, Georgina and some of my new school friends. And, of course, Imogen is right there by my side.

We're both pretty nervous but I know that Seb wont have a problem with it given that he already knows about my gayness and he helped me get with Immy.

Before I could over think it, my mum starts walking towards with a massive chocolate cake with candles and everyone singing happy birthday. Once the cake is right infront of me and the singing has stopped they all go silent. My mum with a massive smile on her face says "Make a wish Sweetheart."

Fuck it.

"I wish that everyone expects that I'm gay and that im dating Imogen." I spit out as fast as I can then blowing out the candles with so much force that they're gone within a second.



Yup. That's what breaks the silence. Followed by the reat of the people groaning and getting out their wallets and purses.

"What the fuck?" I gawk at everyone. Even Mum is taking out money.

Jessie looks at me with a annoyed face. "We made a bet on when you would tell everyone that the two of you were dating.  Seb guessed that you would do it today. So now we have to give him 10 bucks each."

"Like he doesnt have enough money already." Zak huffs, begrudgingly handing Seb the money.

"I knew I could count of you sis." Seb smiles walking over and giving me a massive hug.

**** Authors Note ****

Heyyyyy, I knows it's been a while but thanks for waiting so patiently. I've finally left high school!!! And I got A's!!! I'm so happy and really inspired to do more writing so you might get another chapter sooner then usual. Hope you enjoy the chapter

Ella <3

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 16, 2021 ⏰

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