17- Watch Me

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Becas POV
     "No I don't." I say with sadness very evident in my voice.
     "Beca you can't just not go to school." Stacie said standing in the middle of my room.
     "Watch me. You or Amy can bring me my work. I have no interest in seeing the girl who broke my heart in every class." I say my eyes tearing up at the thought.
     Stacie looked like she was about to say something but thought better of it. She sighed before walking out of my room leaving me with my heart ace. Chloe just left.
Chloe's POV
"You can't do that Chloe." Aubrey said as we walked down the halls. "I know your heartbroken so you can't just jump to the next person. You need time to heal."
"Oh yeah? Watch me." I look around the hall before I saw one of the single football players. "Hey Matt. How are you?"
"Great know that your here." He said leaning against the Lakers with his arm above my head. "So I heard your single again. Do you maybe wanna go out sometime?"
"I'd love too. Text ya later." I say with a smile. It wasn't a normal smile. It didn't reach my eyes. "See... I can just move on."
"I guess." Aubrey sighed before walking away leaving me to my own thoughts.
I can just move on... right?
"Chloe." Stacie said giving me a cold stare. "Glad to see that at least you're happy."
"What do mean?" I asked with a puzzled expression.
"Oh don't act like you don't know." Stacie said bitterly. "You left Beca heartbroken! She couldn't even get out of bed!"
"Wait... what?" I asked as my heartbeat picked up. She seemed mad not sad.
"You broke her Chloe. I barley wanted to leave her alone in case she tried something." Stacie said a lot more quietly. "But you're here perfectly fine..."
"Wait back up, what do you mean by try something?" I ask already knowing why.
"Let's just say a couple years back she tried to kill her self." Stacie said looking down. "I already caught her trying to cut herself."
"Oh my god... what have I done." I say as I feel the heartbreak all over again. "I need to go."
I immediately run to the door only to be stopped by Matt. Right we were getting pizza after school.
"Hey, you ready to head out?" He said with a boyish grin.
"Um..." I thought back to Beca. I caused the pain so I would probably only make it worse. "Yeah."
Becas POV
"Let me see your wrists." Stacie said crossing her arms.
"What no." I say holding my arms to my chest. "I'm not gonna do that."
"Well if you didn't do anything then you shouldn't be worried." She said raising an eyebrow. "So show me your wrists."
I reluctantly move to show Stacie my wrist. There were at least five fresh cuts. I could tell Stacie was trying not to cry at the sight.
"Bec... she's not worth it." Stacie said quietly.
"Yes she is... she's perfect." I say as I start crying all over again. "I miss her Stace. I miss her so much."
"I know hun, I know." She said gently rubbing my back. "Do you know the best way to get back at her? Go to school tomorrow and show her that you don't need her."
"But I do... I need her." I say wiping the tears from my eyes. "I always will."
"Yeah well she doesn't know that. So let's show her what she's missing okay?" Stacie said smiling.
"Okay." I say taking a deep breath. "What do we do?"
"That's my girl."
Stacie magically was able to get me up in the morning. She did my makeup and dressed me in a tight black skirt that ends at me knees with a cropped red sweater. I wore my classic combat boots with my hair down. Stacie did her best to make me look sexy. I felt pretty confident.
"Man, you look good Mitchell." Stacie said admiring her handy work. "How do you feel?"
"As good as I can." I say looking into the mirror. "Let's go to school."
Once we arrived I turned several heads but none of that mattered. I really only cared if I turned one head... Chloe's head. I carried myself with confidence. I was at my locker when I say Chloe. She was making out with a football player. She was pinned against the lockers. She looked happy. They pulled away so I quickly looked away. Don't cry, don't cry, don't cry.
"You good Shawshank?" Amy asked instantly noticing my change in demeanor.
"Yeah... I'm fine." I stood up straight and walked right past Chloe.
      Am I fine?
     "You want to cry and go home don't you." Stacie quietly asked me.
      "She looks happier Stacie. It hurts so much." I say quietly looking down.
      "You can go home. I won't hold it agents you." As soon as she said that I sprinted out to my car and drove home. So much for showing her I was fine.
Chloe's POV
"Becs..." I ay softly as I watch her run out of the school on the brink of tears.
She was not making this easy. She wore her sexist outfit and walked with confidence. She's doing fine without me. At least that's what I thought when I first saw her. I broke her.
"Hey you wanna make out more?" Matt asked pulling me out of my trance.
"Umm... Yeah." I say lunging forward to connect our lips once more.
My mind went to Beca. Her cute little giggle. Her beautiful smile. The why her eyes light up when she's talking about music. Oh god I'm still helplessly in love with Beca Mitchell.
"Why did you do it?" Stacie asked during history. "I thought you loved Beca. So what happened?"
"My dad happened." I say holding back tears.
"What do you mean?" Stacie asked with a puzzled expression.
"He had been verbally abusing me for weeks all because he didn't like Beca." I say quietly. "That's why I did it."
"Why didn't you tell someone?" Stacie asked as her facial features soften.
"I was scared." I say simply. "So I did what he wanted and broke up with Beca."
Becas POV
I was working on a song when Stacie barged into my room. She looked rather worried.
"Beca we need to talk about Chloe."

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