14- Bella Retreat

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Chloe's POV
"Let's go, let's go!" I say happily loading the Bellas on the bus. "Let's get to the campsite!"
"I really don't want to be here." Beca said in a grumpy tone as she slouched in her seat.
"Oh don't be so grumpy." I say poking her cheek as I sit next to her. "It'll be fun. There's a lake."
"But we have to sleep in the floor." Beca grumbled back putting in earbuds. "So therefore I don't want to go."
"Well I'll make sure you have fun." I say before putting in my own earbuds.
The Bellas were all sitting in silence. Most of us were ether doing homework, sleeping, or listening to music. I was doing homework when I felt Beca rest her head on my shoulder. I turned to find her sleeping peacefully. Amy opened her window causing her to snuggle deeper into my side. I smile and slightly blush at the action. After a couple more minutes of doing homework I decide to take a quick nap. Without thinking I lean my head against Becas and fall asleep.
"Should we wake them up?" I heard Stacie ask.
"No leave it. They look so peaceful and cute." This time Aubrey was the one to speak.
"But we're here." Amy countered.
"Fine just let me take a picture." Aubrey said before poking my face. "Hey Chlo wake up."
"How long did I sleep?" I ask rubbing my eyes.
"At least a couple hours." Stacie informed. "Now wake up Beca while we unload the buss."
I gently tickle Becas nose and her face scrunches up. I giggles the action as her eyes slowly flutter open. She sits up and rubs the sleep out of her eyes while yawning.
"I'm sorry for falling asleep on your shoulder." She said with a slightly raspy voice. "Are we here."
"Yeah. And it's completely fine." I say as I stand up. "Now let's go help unload the bus."
Beca slowly stands up before following me off the bus to help set up tents. We have two tents so we will have to squeeze but it's bonding. Once the tents are set up I can tell Becas still half asleep.
"You can swim right Becs?" I ask innocently.
"Yeah. Why?" She aske pulling her phone out of her pokey.
"Just to make sure you'll be able to swim with us." I say shrugging. "Oh and can I see your phone?"
"No." Beca said quickly.
"We aren't allowing any of you to have phones." I say. "All of you give me your phones."
They all reluctantly agreed. They placed there phone in my hand and I put them in a basket. Beca was talking with Stacie and Amy. I quickly walked up behind her and grabbed her by the waist.
"Chloe what are you doing!" Beca screamed squirming around.
"You seem tired so I thought I would help wake you up." I say walking over to the lake and throwing her in.
"Oh my god! I hate you." She said through chattering teeth. "Help me out."
Beca reaches her hand out. I took it and before I knew it I was in freezing water. I looked over at Beca with my mouth agape only to see her smirking.
"I deserved that." I say moving hair out of my fave. "Come on everybody! Let's go for a swim!"
"I don't want to change into my bikini." Stacie protested. "And I definitely don't want to get my clothes wet."
"Then just swim in your underwear." Chloe shrugged. Stacie still looked at unsure. "Here I'll do it."
I took off my already wet top followed by my shorts. The rest of the girls soon followed my example except for Beca.
"Are you not gonna take off you clothes?" I ask swimming over to her. "It will make it easier to swim."
"Yeah... I'm not gonna do that." Beca said simply.
     "And whys that?" I ask swimming closer.
     "Because I don't feel comfortable doing that." Beca said awkwardly looking down at the water.
     "Why not everyone else has done it. We're all girls here." I say once again.
     "No dip Sherlock." Beca deadpanned before reluctantly stripping like the rest of the Bellas.
     "See much easier to move around in." I say splashing her with water. "Now let's go team up on Stacie and Aubrey."
     "Oh I'm definitely down for that." Beca said swimming over to the pair. "Take this General Posen!"
     We ended up having a mini water fight. My team ended up winning if you can win a water fight. But after a couple more hours in the water before we decided to make some food we all got out of the water and put back on our clothes. I glanced at Beca and saw Beca had an incredibly fit body.
     "I really don't know why you're so embarrassed about your body." I say casually. "I mean your really fit."
     "Yeah well that's not really any of your beeswax." Beca said standoffishly smaller to the first time I met her. "And since you noticed that also means you're starring."
     "N-no I wasn't!" I stuttered while I felt heat rising to my cheeks. "Now let's go get some food."
     Beca laughed behind me. I grabbed two plates of eggs considering it was the only thing we brought. I held out the plate to Beca and she hesitantly took it. I sat next to her on log and watched her poke at her food she took a couple bites before getting up and throwing the plate away. We all decided that it would be better if we went to sleep now. Beca quickly calmed the spot by the zipper. I lates next to her hoping she would let me cuddle with her.
     "Hey Becs?" I ask quietly. "Can we please cuddle?"
     "No. You've cuddled with me the whole time I've stayed at your house. So no." She said immediately.
     I let out a puff of air before turning around and drifting off to sleep.
Becas POV
     "Why can't I sleep?" I ask myself quietly as I walk around outside the tent. "Oh right because I'm not normal."
     I sit quietly on a log kicking at the dirt.
     "Beca? Why are you awake?" Chloe asked quietly.
     "Holy shit!" I whisper yell after I jump. "More importantly why are you awake?"
     "I had to go to the bathroom." Chloe shrugged as she sat next to me. "Now why are you awake?"
      "It doesn't matter." I say attempting to brush off her question.
      "Yes it does. I don't want you to be tired tomorrow." She said placing a comforting hand on my shoulder.
     "Well what if I don't want to tell you!" I say slightly raising my voice still careful not to wake the others. "I don't have to tell you everything about me!"
      "Becs I just want to help." Chloe said quietly.
     "Well I don't need your help Chloe! I've never needed anyone but myself and you just can't magically change that!" I say getting more defensive.
      "Why won't you just tell me what's bothering you!" Chloe shot beck almost immediately.
      "Because I have fucking insomnia!" I say blowing up. "And do you really want to know why I didn't want to strip? Because I have anorexia too!"
      "Beca I'm so sorry... I-I had no idea." Chloe said lowering her voice into a much softer tone.
      "There... are you happy." I say with tears brimming my eyes. "Oh and by the way, you can tell Aubrey that she got her wish. I quit the Bellas."
     "Beca Wait!" Chloe tried getting me to stay.
     "No Chloe. I'm sorry but I'm done." I say before walking away. "It was nice knowing you."
A/N- You know when you start a story it all comes from like one part and you build around it. Well this was the moment that started this story. Please don't hate me.

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