6- Its Chloes Turn

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Chloe's POV
Me and Tom ended moving our date to Saturday. It may or may not have had something to do with Beca having a date on the same day but that's not what is important. I have a date to get ready for so I did the obvious and called Aubrey.
"Okay so what do you think I should wear?" I ask turning to Aubrey who's sitting on my bed.
"Well you guys are going to the movies right?" I nod. "Jut wear your ripped jeans with a basic tee."
"Yeah I can do that."
I ended up wearing my pair of worn out jeans with a grey tank top with a pair of white converse.
I had my hair down in loose curls and Aubrey helped me do my makeup. Just as we finished getting ready there was a knock on the door.
"That must be Tom!" I say suddenly getting nervous.
"I'll go answer the door. You stay here." Aubrey said.
After awhile I her Aubrey call my name so I quickly make my way downstairs to be met with a smiling Tom and an unreadable expression from Aubrey.
"Wow... just wow." Tom said starring at me as I walk toward him.
I giggle at his reaction to my simple outfit. He's wearing some plain denim jeans with a black shirt and a red jacket.
"Your not to bad yourself." I say with a wink. Aww cute I think he's blushing.
"Shall we go?" He says while offering his arm which I take.
Once we made it to his car he quickly opened the car door for me. After that he quickly ran around the car and sat down.
"So what movie are we watching?" I ask after he started the car.
"I was thinking A Simple Favor." Tom said. "I was talking to Ava and she saw it yesterday and thought it was really good."
"Alright." I say with my classic bright smile.
Once we got into the movie Tom kept on glancing toward me. It's kind of cute how nervous Tom is. I decide that I might help him calm his nerves if I reach for his hand. Once I do he gladly takes and looked at me with a smile.
After the movie Tom and I decided to go for a walk around the park.
"The stars are really pretty." I say looking up to the sky.
"There almost as beautiful as you." Tom says while blushing.
"That's really sweet Tom." I say. Then a breeze came by and I couldn't help but shiver.
"Are you cold?" Tom asked sound very concerned.
"A little bit it's fine." I say.
"No it isn't." Tom said while taking off his jacket and handing it to me. "Here take my jacket."
"Thank you Tom." I say as I slide his jacket on.
The sleeves were to long for my arms so it made it even more comfortable. Tom smelt like evergreen trees. It's a nice smell but it's nothing like Becas. She smelt like lilacs and oranges. Before you think I'm a creep for knowing what she smells like we did share a bed during the sleepover.
Eventually we decided to head back to my house. He was such a gentleman the entire night he even walked me to my door.
"Thank you Tom I had a really great time tonight." I say with a smile.
"I'm glad." I can tell he's debating on saying something. "Umm... could I maybe... umm... kiss you?"
"Yeah I think you can." I say.
Tom looked shocked that I actually said I would kiss him. He hesitantly leaned down to give me a gentle kiss. I was expecting at least a little spark but there was nothing.
I pull away then quickly say goodbye and I call Aubrey.
"Aubrey Posen speaking How May I help you." Aubrey said with her formal greeting.
"Hey Bree it's me Chloe, is your dad near you."
"Why do you think I answered so formal? So How did the date go?"
"Tom was super sweet the whole time!" I said. "We kisses when he dropped me off to."
"You kissed!?" Aubrey exclaimed. "I need details! Were there sparks like there was with Beca? Was he a good kisser?"
"There were no sparks Bree! I felt them with Beca I think she's the one. And Toms a pretty good kisser but Becas better."
"Ask her out on Monday." Aubrey said.
"What! I can't ask her out Bree!" I said.
"Listen, I was talking to Stacie yesterday and she told me that Beca has an awful date because it wasn't you." Aubrey said confidently.
"Okay I'll do it!" I say as I hang up.
I want to talk to Beca first think in the morning so I decided to text her to tell her to meet up in the morning.
Me: Hey Beca are you still awake? (10:30pm)
❤️Becs❤️: yeah, what's up red?
Me: can I talk to you tomorrow?
❤️Becs❤️: yeah where and what time?
Me: great! How about an hour before school under the willow tree by the fountain?
❤️Becs❤️: that works for me see you Monday.
Me:great! Goodnight Becs! :)
After that I put my phone away change into my unicorn onesie. But then I realized that I still had Toms jacket. I'll just return it to him before I talk to Beca in the morning. After that I drift off into a deep sleep while I wait till Monday when I can talk to Beca.
A/N- Sorry for the wait. What do you think is gonna happen on Monday. Please check out some of my other story's! Please stay safe and stay inside!

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