7- What A Mess

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Becas POV
I woke up Monday morning remembering that I needed to talk to Chloe today under the tree. I quickly get up and put on a basic white tee with some black jeans and my classic leather jacket. I decided to wear combat boots and my normal makeup witch consisted of black eyeliner.
Once that I decided that my makeup was acceptable my phone started to vibrate in my pocket.
Chloe Beale: Don't forget to meet me under the tree Mitchell. (6:30am)
     Me: wouldn't dream of it Beale. (6:31am)
     Chloe Beale: Great see you then :)
     After our short conversation was over I put my phone back in my pocket then went to do my hair. I decided to leave it down in its natural wavy state.
     Once I finished that I headed out the door and into my car and drove to school. Once I arrived I got a text form Ava.
Ava Zimmerman: hey babe when do I get to see you today? (7:02am)
Me: babe? Is there something I'm missing? (7:05am)
Ava Zimmerman: your silly. I expect to see you by my locker before school starts ;) (7:06am)
Me: I'll see if I can but I need to talk to Chloe. (7:09am)
Ava Zimmerman: where are you going to be talking to Chloe? (7:10am)
Me: just under the tree by the fountain. (7:13am)
After that I swiftly put my phone in my pocket and made my way over to the said meeting spot that Chloe set.
Chloe's POV
I woke up in the morning feeling a little nervous. Today I was going to tell Beca that I wanted to be in a relationship with her. I need to look my best for today.
I go into my closet and found a cute blue sundress that cut off right before my knee with little polka dots. I pared the dress with a pair of white wedges. I grabbed a simple silver necklace along with a matching bracelet. I then put on some light makeup and straightened my hair. I dubbed myself acceptable and texted Beca.
Once we finished our short conversation I grabbed a denim jacket and headed out the door. Once I got in my car I remembered that I needed to give Tom his jacket back. I ran back inside and grabbed it the headed off to school.
Once I pulled into the schools parking lot i hear my phones ringtone. I grabbed my phone and saw that I had just gotten a text from Tom.
Tom🏈: hey baby can I get my jacket back before school starts? (7:03am)
Me: yeah of course. But what's with the pet name? (7:05am)
Tom🏈: sorry do you prefer babe? (7:06am)
Me: ummm no baby is fine. (7:09am)
Tom🏈: cool so when can I get my jacket? (7:11am)
Me: um I'll be at the tree by the fountain all morning so probably there. (7:12am)
After that I put my phone away making note that I would have to talk to Tom about the pet names. I then quickly made my way over to the tree.
Becas POV
Once I arrived at the tree I realized that I had beaten Chloe to the tree. I decided to just sit under the tree and wait. I pulled out my phone and started to scroll through Instagram when I noticed that Ava changed her status to in a relationship. Good for her. As I continued to just mess around on my phone I heard someone approach me so thinking that it was Chloe I looked up to see Ava instead.
"Hey babe." Ava said with a suggestive wink.
I look around to try and find who's she's talking to to not see anyone around except me.
"Are you talking to me? I thought you were dating someone?" I say honestly confused.
"I am indeed talking to you Miss Mitchell." Ava says as she straddles my lap. "And I'm in a relationship with you silly."
Before I was able to say anything back to her she started kissing me. I didn't start kissing back so she pulled away after awhile.
"Why aren't you kissing back." She asked very offended.
"I'm sorry I'm still lost, since when were we dating?" I ask still slightly in shock from the news.
"We've been dating since Friday after you kissed me." She says like it was obvious.
"Ummm I'm not sure if-" I was cut off by her lips once again on mine.
I decided to give up and just kiss back so she would be pleased and I would be able to talk to her and tell her that she was mistaken.
Chloe's POV
I just made my was to the tree and saw Beca kissing some other girl and my heart broke at the sight. I just sat and starred at them for a few moments before I realized what they were doing.
"Ahem." I pretended to cough so my presence would be known.
They both pulled away quickly and Beca was blushing like crazy and the other girl was smirking.
"Chl-Chloe." Beca stuttered while slightly out of breath. "This is Ava, Ava this is Chloe."
"Hi it's nice to meet you." I say while acting unfazed by the scene that I just saw.
"Hello." Ava said unamused by the conversation.
Just when I was about to say something else I felt a part of strong arms wrap around my waist.
"Hey baby." Tom said with a boyish grin.
"Hey Tom." I say ignoring the pet name. "Here's your jacket."
"Thanks." He said as he took his jacket then leaned down to kiss me.
After we kissed a glanced over at Beca and see her making out with Ava once more.
"So when are we going to go out again babe." Tom asked.
"Um can we not talk about this right now?" I ask him while trying to get out of his grip.
"Yeah of course see you in second period." Tom said pecking my lips once more then leaving.
I turn back to Beca a I see that she is now standing and so is Ava. Although Ava was still holding onto Becas arm.
"So Chlo what did you want to talk about?" Beca asked as if she did nothing wrong.
"Oh ummm yeah. Ava can you leave please?" I ask turning to look at Ava.
"Oh yeah I need to stop by my locker anyway." She said casually. "See you later babe."
Once Ava left I turned to look at Beca who had lipstick all over her face and she was trying to get it off.
"So what was that about?" I say trying to hide my jealousy.
"Um she's my girlfriend?" Beca said almost as if it was a question. "So what did you what to talk about?"
"You know what it doesn't even matter. Im just going to stop by my locker before class." I say starting to leave.
"Chloe Wait!" Beca said instantly stopping me. "What's up with you and Tom?"
"Um he's my boyfriend I guess." I say trying to act nonchalant.
With that I left the tree and headed over to my first class. My heart was broken that Beca didn't feel the same way. I should have asked her out in the morning after the party. This is such a mess now I'm in a relationship I never wanted to be in.
A/N- wow it's been awhile and I'm very sorry for that. I've been trying to write this story as well as rebel and the goodie goodie. Hopefully chapters will come quicker. Thank you for reading!

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