3- Getting to Know the Bellas

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Becas POV:
It's been about a week from when the initiation took place. Surprisingly the Bellas aren't all that bad... just most of them. The Bella I'm closest with isn't Stacie, Or Fat Amy. It's actually Chloe. We have bonded in the one week I've been a Bella.
She is now throwing another party at her place but for the whole school not Bellas only. I normally would stay away form things like this but considering the fact Chloe wants me to go and I'm a Bella so I am basically required to attend. It's basically going to be a frat party. But with more illegal drinks.
     "Alright don't forget after school to come meet up here so we can head to my place and start setting up for the party tonight." Chloe said
     "We will also be preforming half way through the night so I expect all of you to go on voice rest today." Aubrey said. Or as I have found I like to call her general Posen.
     "Yes ma'am." I say with a mock salute earning a glare in return.
     "What ever Mitchell. Voice rest starts now." Aubrey said.
     With that all of the Bellas walk in our "pack" toward our first class. Boy am I dreading tonight.
     "All right now that we are done setting up what should we do?" General Posen asked.
     "I know we could play spin the bottle!" Stacie yelled excitedly.
     "Ooh that sounds like fun." Chloe agreed.
     "Alright grab a bottle and we will play." Aubrey said.
     The first person to spin the bottle was Stacie. The bottle landed on Aubrey and they kissed with no problem. Aubrey spun next and it landed on Chloe. So they did a little peek on the lips. It's probably really weird to kiss your best friend. Anyway Chloe spun next and it landed on me. Oh shit it landed on me!
"Um... what if I'm not super comfortable with kissing Beca?" Chloe said. It's almost like she can read my mind.
     "To bad that's not how the game works." Stacie said in a matter of fact way. "But how l learned the game if you ask to not kiss them you have to make out with them instead of just a peek."
      Ah shit. She's leaning in. What do I do. Before I could mentally prepare myself our lips were intertwined sending fireworks through my system. Within seconds lips were moving in sync. At some point she started to straddle my lap and her arms went around my neck and mine around her waist. Then her tongue slid across my bottom lip silently asking for entrance which I gladly gave. Our tongues started battling for control which eventually I won. With our lips and tongues moving in sync Chloe let out a soft moan that was muffled by the kiss. Chloe eventually broke the kiss breathing heavily. Right before she was about to say something their was a knock on the door.
"I'll get it" Chloe said standing to answer it.
      What the fuck am I gonna do. I think I'm falling in love with Chloe Beale. Suddenly people started flooding in and Stacie snatched up the bottle and Aubrey turned on the music almost like clockwork.
     "Alright thanks for coming everyone! I'll see you all on Monday!" Chloe said as everyone started to flow out.
     "Well I'm gonna head out I'm beat." Fat Amy said in her accent.
     "Does anyone wanna stay over? My parents are out of town and the house is creepy when I'm alone." Chloe said.
     The Bellas answered in different forms of a yes. "What about you Becs?" She asked
      "Um... yeah sure."
     With that we all went to the same rooms we stayed in before meaning I'm with Chloe. That's not gonna be awkward at all. Once both me and Chloe got into her room and she closed the door and turned to me. "Should we talk about... what uh... happened earlier?" She asked
     "Yeah probably. So um... you start."
      "I don't know about you but I personally enjoyed the kiss."
     I nodded in agreement. "So what do we do now?"
     "We sleep on it and see what happens in the morning. Agreed?"
     With that we both got into her bed and  surprise surprise she instantly started cuddling me. She kissed my neck and said "good night Becs. Talk to you in the morning."
     "Night Chlo."
      Chloe quickly drifted off into a deep sleep. And surprisingly me not far behind her. It's almost as if she puts her arms around me and I'm home. Maybe being a Bella won't be so bad after all.
A/N- do you think it's to soon for Beca and Chloe to start a relationship. Give me your thoughts. Don't forget to vote on this chapter.

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