16- Why Me

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Chloe's POV
      "Hey Becs do you wanna come over to dinner?" I innocently asked wrapping my arms around her waist. "My parents really want to meet you."
      "Is the dinner tonight?" Beca asked turning to face me.
      "Yup. So can you come?" I ask with a hopeful smile.
       "Yeah I think so. Just uh are your dad going to interrogate me?" Beca asked with a worried tone.
      "He will. But trust me he'll love you. If you make a good impression you'll have nothing to worry about." I say trying to sooth her worries. "But first we have Bellas rehearsal."
      "Right." Beca said with a small smile. "Are you sure we can't get Aubrey to change the some songs?"
"Hey Chloe how are things with you and Beca going?" Stacie asked randomly during art.
"Good. Great actually. I really like her." I say just smiling at the thought or the small brunette.
"Wait so do you like, love her?" Stacie asked with a growing smile.
"I think so. I have t told her yet though. I'm scared she'll just push me away." I say sadly.
"Hold off on it for a bit to see how it goes. Who knows she might even say it first." Stacie said playfully nudging me.
Becas POV
      "Okay... you got this. Just make a good impression." I say quietly to my self standing in front of Chloe's house.
      I hesitantly knock on the door. It was opened by a woman who looked oddly similar to Chloe. The only difference was her eyes. They were green.
"Hello dear." She said with an all to familiar smile. "I'm Cindy. You must be Beca."
"Uh yes I am. It's nice to meet you." I say mentally it slapping myself for how awkward I'm being.
"No need to be so awkward. In fact it's better if your not, it just gives me more teasing material." She said with an evil wink.
"Right sorry. Is uh Chloe here?" I ask awkwardly.
"I'm here." She said walking over and kissing my cheek. "I see you've met my mom. Did she scare you?"
"Only a little." I let out a nervous laugh. "I see this is where you get You energy from though."
"I actually get it from my dad. He's way more smily than her." She said laughing.
"Is that even possible?" I ask with a hushed tone.
"Who's this?" I stoic looking man said walking down the stairs.
"Dad this is Beca." Chloe said grabbing my hand. "She's my girlfriend."
"What do you plan to do after college?" He asked with a serious expression. Chloe got her personality from him?
"I'm actually planning to move to LA after high school." I say hesitantly. "I want to become a music producer... or songwriter."
"That's not a very stable job." He said eying me.
"Well if you've ever heard her sing you would know that she'll have nothing to worry about." Chloe quickly defended me.
"We'll see about that." He said his expression never changing.
"Alright well dinner is ready. Why don't we head to the dining room." Cindy said breaking the silence.
Chloe's POV
"You don't like her do you?" I say sitting on the couch next to my father.
"No. Chicago was much more suitable. I don't know why you would break up." My dad said reading his book.
"It wasn't working out dad. But with Beca I really like her. Like a lot." I say trying to sway him.
"That doesn't matter. I want you to break up with her." He said forcefully.
"What? No. I will not break up with her just because you don't like her." I say standing up.
"You will one way or another. You filthy child." My father spat out.
I was shocked after what I herd. My father has never said anything like that. He's always been so loving. I felt tears stinging at my eyes.
This has gone on for several weeks. No one knows about it. I act all happy and fine at school when in reality I'm honestly kinda sad. Every day it's been the same thing. My dad keeps on telling me to break up with Beca. I just can't take it. So I'm walking up to Becas house with the intention of breaking up.
"Hey Chloe." Beca said with an easy smile. "What's up? I thought you weren't coming over for another hour."
"I'm really sorry Becs but... this isn't working out." I say as my heart practically breaks.
"What? Why?" Beca asked out of confusion. "Did I do something wrong?"
"No I just... I don't think I'm gay." I say bluntly lying. "I'm really sorry Becs. You're going to find someone for you one day." I say trying to comfort her.
"Please just leave." Beca said coldly.
Once I left her house and made it to my car I broke down crying. That was the hardest thing I've ever done.
A/N- Alright this is the end of the book. I hope you enjoyed it!

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