Chapter Eighteen

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Awsten's pov

I awoken to a body crushing my organs, I groaned loudly before shoving the body off of me. I laughed when I heard a satisfied thump on the ground and a loud groan coming quickly after.

"What the fuck attempted to murder me in my sleep?" I said as I sat up and rubbed my eyes with my fist.

"Geoff was right, you really do look like a toddler when you do that." Michael replies as he leans against the wall.

"Shut it, Clifford."

"Hello, does anyone care that I'm injured here?" Calum groans on the side of the bed.

"That's what you get for trying to crush my organs you shitface."

"Michael dared me to do it!" Calum whined as his boyfriend helped him off the ground.

"Here's an idea, dont listen to Michael."

"Heyy." Michael whines in proetest

"Shut it, Mike. You know your plans are always shit."

"Not ALL of them." He says with a shrug before wrapping his arms around Calum who's pouting.

"Get out of my room you numb skulls."

"Can't, Geoff said to wake you up and make you dont go back to sleep." Calum replies

"Damn it Geoff, why do I have to get up?" I said before letting out a loud yawn.

"Because everyone is in the lobby waiting to go to McDonalds for breakfast dumbass. Now hurry up!!! I'm fucking starving." Michael complains

"Alright, I shouldn't be long then."

The two of them left me alone to finally get ready, I quickly took a shower and did all that hygiene shit before picking a sweater, boxers and some jeans out of my backpack and putting them on. I replaced the crystals on my necklace and pulled my phone from the charger and made my way out of the hotel room with the keycard.

Once I got through the awkwardness of being with strangers in the elevator I finally made it to the lobby where everyone was exactly where Michael said they would be.

I walked straight over to Geoff who tangled his fingers in my hair when I wrapped my arms around his torso.

"How was your sleep babe?" He asked before pressing a kiss to my temple.

"It was great until Calum tried to murder me."

"Michael's idea?" Geoff asked


"I thought so, I'll pick someone else to wake you up next time." Geoff says

"Thanks Gee."

"Alright, troublemakers. Get in the bus, we're going to McDonalds." Jawn says

We all piled into the bus and thankfully the ride wasn't that long, when we got to McDonalds it was almost surprisingly empty so we just started pushing tables together and stealing chairs to sit in before we all got settled and started to order food.

I decided to get 3 hashbrowns and a large orange juice because why the fuck not?

"Okay so since the headmaster called and told me that the school is up and running again I figured you guys could have one more day of fun before I take you back to the, so I reserved a mini golf and arcade spot for you guys." Jawn said

"Jawn you're literally the best." Ash says

"I try, you guys have grown on me. What can I say?" He says with a shrug.

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