Chapter One

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Awsten's pov

"Awsten Knight? It says Jones." The lady at the desk says.

"Ugh that bitch."

"Mr.Jones! That language won't be tolerated!" She says

I sighed rolling my eyes so far that they were close to getting suck, im certain.

"For the last time it is Knight!"

"It says Jones so I will call you Mr.Jones, now you're roomate is Shawn Mendes." She says as she rolled her chair over to the printer and rolling back to her desk and handing me the paper. "Everything you need to know is on the paper and here's the keys to the room." She says handing me a silver key.

"Room B169

I may have stiffened a laugh at the number 69.

I left the office following the arrows that pointed to the rooms. Mind you it's like 8:45pm and everyone is probably in their rooms so there are only like 4 kids conversating and boy and girl making out in the corner.


I shook my head and started walking down the hallway looking at the numbers on the wall until I finally found the room.

I pulled out the key and then I decided against it and just knocked on the door instead.

I heard a couple swears and something crashed onto the floor. Seconds later the door opened and I noticed the boy at the door had light brown eyes, he was brunette and he had sex hair.

He was a pretty boy.

"Um Hi."

"Hey." He said panting a bit.

"Im Awsten, your roomate."

His eyes widened "Fuck."

"You hding someone in there?" I laughed a bit.

"Please do-" he says before I cut him off.

"Chill, I'm new and I'm not a snitch."

He nods gratefully and opens the door.

"Who was it, babe?" A new voice fills the room.

A blonde boy with blue eyes and once again a pretty face walks in with sweatpants on.

That's it.

"Apparently I have a roomate." He says

"You guys together?"

They nod

"It's cool, im gay soo."

"Ok, that's cool. Im Shawn and this is my boyfriend Niall." He says

"Nice to meet you." Niall says smiling.

"Im Awsten." I smiled back

"So um there's an extra bed, I never knee why I never had a roomate so I guess the bed is yours now." Shawn says

He starts walking over to the room where the beds are and im hit with the smell of well... cum.

"It smells like sex in here." I scrunched my nose.

"Yeah.. sorry." Niall blushed before shawn kissed his cheek.

"It's fine." I brushed it off as I opened my luggage and walked into the bathroom to change into sweatpants instead of my tight restricting jeans.

Once I came back Shawn and Niall we're cuddled up watching whatever movie was playing on the flatscreen on the wall infront of our beds.

I just climbed into the bed pulled out my phone and started scrolling on twitter and decided to tweet something.

SadBoy™ @awsten

I closed the twitter app going to Spotify because 1. It's free 2. I love it and 3. IT'S FREE

Well.. premium isn't but THAT DOESNT MATTER

I clicked shuffle of my playlist and my ears were filled with the intro of Nearly Witches by Panic! at the disco and I just starred at the ceiling.

Just like I would do at home.

Nothings changed.

Short chapter.

So far you've met Shawn and Niall.

What do you think of them??

Word count: 610
Edited: no

Thanks for reading. I love you. Goodbye.


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