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Awsten's pov

I listen to music to escape the bullshit that I callmy life, I dont wanna talk about it, I dont wanna think about it but my brain says different and here I am starring at the ceiling of the blue cave that is my room.

Blackbear is always a good choice when I feel the way I do, it's funny how he craves cocaine. I crave it too.

And I dont even do drugs, nor do I have a desire to do them.

But I'd love to be able to forget even if it's just for an hour or just a couple minutes.

I suddenly feel one of earphones being ripped out.

"Awsten! Didn't you hear me calling you?!"

"Obviously not." I mumbled making the middle aged brunette woman with bright red lipstick grit her teeth.

"I'm tired of you bringing in grades like these!" She yelled throwing a folded paper at me.

I sighed before opening it and chuckled knowing exactly what was there.

F's and D's across the board.

And the exception of a B in music.

Of course.

"What can I say? Im a failure ma'am."

"That's exactly what you are! Plus you dont do anything but sit in your room and listen to music all day and watch that dumb show!" She yelled snatching the paper from me and I gasped and examined my hand making sure she didn't give me paper cut.

"Okay, in my defense the office is a good ass show." I shrugged looking at my phone and pausing Hell is where I dreamt of you and woke up alone.

"Why don't you ever try to do anything with your pathetic life?!" She yells

Maybe because I dont have any motivation for my pathetic life?

I just shrugged not wanting tell her.

"That's it! That is the last straw Awsten Jon—"

"It's Knight." I spat

"In this house it's Jones." She yelled

I rolled my eyes playing with the necklace around my neck.

It was mom's, pretty much the only thing I have left of her. I've had it since I was 6 and I've never taken it off, I refuse.

"Im sending you to boarding school." She says

"Wait.. what?" I said standing up now.

"You're bringing home shitty grades, your attitude sucks, and you're just a pathetic piece of shit overall! You need to be straightened out!"

"You can't do that!"

Jokes on her, im already gay so you can't straighten me out even if you tried. Sorry, I don't make the rules.

"Watch me!" She says before slamming the door behind her.

I sat down on my bed and after a minute I realized how much I've fucked up. Last week I caught her looking at Boarding schools but I didn't think she'd actually send me away!

Can life honestly get any worse??

And that's how I ended up standing infront of a large scary looking building at the beginning of a thunder storm and dark clouds above.

"Hopefully they fix you!" Angie spat.

I flipped her off and dragged my bags up the killer stairs and finally got to the door and walked inside.

"Name?" The woman at the desk said typing without a sign of stopping said.

"Awsten Knight."

So yeah you didn't get the storyline. Awsten is an adopted kid who's also sad and has no motivation to do anything in his life.

Also his adoptive mom is a bitch.

Some of my chapters will be long, some will be short. I don't know to be honest but we'll see.

Word count: 608
Edited: no

Thanks for reading. I love you. Goodbye.


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