Chapter Three

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Awsten's pov

I was walking through the hall with a couple books in my hand and I stopped at my assigned locker putting the stuff away and when I closed my locker my heart almost fell to my ass.

"Jesus! Geoff you scared me!"

He giggles and oh my god

"Sorry, But our table is ditching to get some Chic-fil-A at lunch." He says

"How do you guys even ditch? There's so much security here?" I said leaning on the locker.

"We have someone we know on the inside job." He smirks a bit.

"Alright im in, I can tell from breakfast that the food here is disgusting." I scrunched my nose.

"You are correct, that shit gives you diarrhea and I should know because whenever Harry eats their lunch he's in the bathroom for hours. Or maybe he's just fucking Louis, either or." He shrugs

I giggled into my sweater sleeve. "So where do we meet them?"

"Just follow me." He says

So I do what he says and he pulls my arm dragging me to a door and closes it behind us and we walk into a dimly lit hallway that leads to a door that says a huge EXIT above it and he opens the door and im hit with the bright sun.

Im too pale for this.

"Hey guys, Awsten agreed to go with us." Geoff said

"That's Awesome, we have an hour lunch period because boys and girls have different times of finishing their food sooo yeah." Calum says

"Also, Otto's girlfriend Grace is joining us." Niall says

The girl with short length silver hair walked over from Otto's side stood infront of me now.

"Hi, I'm grace." She smiles

"Nice to meet you, Im Awsten."

She nods "Well, you chose a good group of friends. These guys are the best."

"Aww thanks Grace!" Luke said

I just fondly rolled my eyes.

"Yo, guys you gotta get going!" A guy with black and red hair says coming out and poking his head our from the door me and Geoff came from.

"Who's that?"

"Oh shit sorry, Awsten this is Jawn. He's the person who lets out of this prison."

"Oh, hi." I waved

"Hey Awsten, it's nice to meet you." The man said

"Okay, we gotta go! Thanks Jawn!" Michael said pulling the man into a hug.

The man just groaned and pushed the purple haired boy off before messing up his hair and going back inside. Soon we were all in a car and I just talked to Geoff as the rest of them played songs and sang suprisingly well.

"So why did you get sent here?" Geoff asked

"My grades are shit, and I don't know what I want to do with my pathetic life." I shrugged

Geoff frowned and probably wanted to say something but I just gave him the look that said 'dont' and he just nodded.

"Well I'm here because my parents didn't like my rebel attitude and I kept sneaking out to smoke and drink." He says

"I dont drink, or smoke. I just cant."

"I can understand that, me and Zayn are the only ones who actually smoke in the group."

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