Kohns vs Yangs

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Personal Log- The series of events that unfolded on the Exeter and on the Omega IV are why I am making note of this now. I know it isn't the captain's fault, but instead the Captain of the Exeter. Yet, for some reason, I find myself with a strange dilemma. Whether or not the relationship I have with Commander Spock is something that would be to my benefit. Then, perhaps it would be better if I explained. When we arrived at the planet Omega IV we discovered the Exeter was in orbit. Kirk, Spock, McCoy, a security officer and I beamed over to investigate.

Spock was the first one to discover something out of the ordinary. "Captain." As we approached, what I saw initially had me puzzled. There was a pile of clothes and a strange crystalline like material. Upon splitting up, I went to investigate the labs on the ship. As I walked down the halls I only found more uniforms with the crystals in them.

No matter what room I checked, I couldn't find anything. "This is captain Kirk, of the USS Enterprise. Is there anyone on board?" The halls were dead silent allowing the sound to reverbrat off the walls. "If there is, and you can hear me, please respond by intercom to the Engineering section. Is there anyone on board?"

I could make out Spock's voice on the com as well, he came up with the same results. Just uniforms and the shuttle was still present. Kirk ordered us to the bridge after. Before I headed up, I looked over the strange crystals and found what they were... disturbing in a word. Still, I was the last one on the bridge. "Fascinating." Was what Spock said as soon as the doors opened. Granted I was inclined to agree, no matter what it was that had been said moments before my arrival.

Kirk turned to me as I got off the elevator. "Spock... Play the last log tape. Maybe they had time to record what happened to them." As Spock walked over, I went to McCoy to confirm my readings on the crystals left in the uniforms.

When he nodded, it was a grim expression that crossed our faces. "Jim, the analysis of this so far is potassium-- 34%, Carbon-- 18%, Phosphorous--1.0 , Calcium--1.5. Jim, the crew didn't leave. They're still here."

This only served to confuse the captain so I took it upon myself to explain. "Captain, the white crystals are what is left of the crew... or at least what is left of a human body when the water is taken away. Water makes up 96% of the bodies. Hence the small amount of crystalline material left."

Kirk's eyes widened. "Now, something crystalized them down to this." McCoy finished the explanation just as Spock got the Surgeon's log up.

Turning my attention to the screen, I watched what the last log entry said, and it wasn't pretty. The man looked like he was having a lot of trouble just sitting on the captain's chair. "If you've come aboard this ship... you're dead men. Don't go back to your own ship. You have one chance. Get down there. Get down there fast. Captain Tracey is..." With a scream the log ended.

No one said a word for some time, instead sharing glances between ourselves. "Prepare to beam down to the planet surface-- fast." I gave a small nod and finished some preparations before following everyone to the transporter room. The area we beamed down to was noisy and was made of mesa buildings. As we walked to the source of the noise what we saw surprised us.

Men were holding a man and woman in pelts ready to chop off their heads. That was when someone took note of us and called a stop to the execution. As we got closer the man with the axe went to strike when something strange happened. "Put the Ax away, Liyang." There stood a man in yellow and a distinguished badge on his shirt. At the time I had figured him to be the Captain of the Exterior.

Kirk confirmed my suspicions seconds later. The two captains shook hands before Tracy spoke. "I knew someone would come looking for us. I'm just sorry it had to be you, Jim. I'm glad your arrival stopped this." The man in furs was growling a bit. Then Tracy turned to one of the more polished villagers. "No more of this, Wu. Lock up the savages."

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