How to ask a Question?

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When the Captain and I were finally released from Sick Bay, it was about a week before I asked to speak with the Captain and McCoy. "What is so important that you called to speak with us, Spock?" I took my seat and folded my hands before me. How was I going to do this?

I took a moment to formulate what I was going to say. "I need advice... on how to approach a relationship with (Y/n)." There was complete silence from both of them, I almost wondered if I'd said something wrong.

Kirk looked confused, McCoy looked smug. "Well, it's about time. I was starting to wonder when you would finally ask. Though, that is the question. How does one approach that particular girl? She'll likely say no, unless... Kirk, I have a proposition for you." The captain and I both looked to McCoy.

I, in wonder of what his proposition was, the Kirk in more confusion than before. "Okay, Bones, but perhaps I need more of an explanation as to what exactly it is that Mr. Spock wants. What kind of a relationship are you seeking with my best first officer, Mr. Spock?"

That was the question wasn't it. How to explain it? "A relationship similar to that my parents have perhaps would be the best way for me to describe it. Mutually beneficial, and logical that she would choose someone such as myself." Kirk blinked, then turned to McCoy.

Taking a moment he took in a breath. "Bones... perhaps you could explain it to me better. What exactly is going on here? Between my first officer and my best science officer?" McCoy still looked smug, placing his head on his hands. His elbows resting on the table before us.

Giving off a slight chuckle he explained. "He wants romantic advice, Jim. He wants to ask how he should ask our little science officer, (Y/n), to date him. And convince them to agree." Kirk's eyes bulged. Looking between myself and McCoy. For a moment he asked if I was serious, which I was. What else could I be? "Well, Jim, should we assist him, or let him figure that out on his own?"

Kirk placed a hand on his neck, blowing air out slowly past his lips. "Well, honestly Bones... I don't know. There is still so much about (Y/n) that is unpredictable and unknown. It's hard to say how she would react to anyone asking her out."

McCoy seemed to have the answer to that. "Actually, Jim, several of the crew have already tried. So, I know how she has reacted to each previous attempt." Kirk and I waited with baited breath to know what her reaction was. "She ignored them and told them to leave her lab, that they were interrupting her work. They've tried asking while doing an experiment with her, they've tried asking her to breakfast, lunch, and dinner. They've asked with poems and songs. She has rejected each and every attempt to get her out on a date."

This was problematic. "I see, I will still attempt it even if it is, as you say doctor, impossible." With that he nodded, and Kirk said he was in. We spoke for several hours, running past several scenarios to try out. One of which was oddly specific. Still it was a start, it just left a matter of where to begin.

She was supposed to start work soon, here within the next few days. It was plenty of time to get everything set up. Kirk helped me get some flowers from one of the nearby planets, courtesy of a botanist so that we didn't get anything dangerous aboard. They were a brilliant blue with petals that spread out quite a bit.

Those I placed on her desk. The one I made into a bokay was purple with white swirl petals, which left which line to use. McCoy had a few as did our captain. I just didn't see how saying them would work. Surely they had been tried before by any of the others who had tested their luck.

By the time I had everything set up she was going to be in her lab by noon. Taking a breath I let everything sink in. After everything that had happened since we met, this was the one thing I couldn't prepare for. No matter how many scenarios I ran through, eventually I was just going to have to gun it.

When noon arrived I left my quarters and made my way to her lab with the flowers in hand. Arriving ten minutes after the top of the hour, I pressed the buzzer. There wasn't anything spoken, just the sound of the doors sliding open. (Y/n) was looking over the blue flowers on her desk. "Excuse me, miss (L/n). Might I have a word?"

She didn't look at me, instead taking the flowers and walking to her live plants. "Sure, Mr. Spock, just give me a second. I need to disintegrate these, it would appear that one of the men-" She paused as her eyes landed on me. She looked me up and down. To be fair, I was not in my Starfleet uniform. I was in traditional Vulcan clothing. "Mister... Spock? What's.... What's going on here?"

I squared my shoulders slightly and walked closer to her. Pulling the white and purple ones from behind my back. "Your pH must be fourteen because you're the most basic need in my life right now." Rubbing my neck with my free hand I held the flowers out to her.

She blinked, staring at the flowers, before looking at me. "Mr. Spock.... I think you've gotten the wrong idea about the kind of scientist I am. I also believe I have gotten the wrong idea about the kind of man you were."

Lowering the flowers I dropped the act. "I didn't think this would work actually. Kirk and McCoy suggested you might like this. The kind of scientist you are is more logical and intellectual. You worked hard to get here, and I can see that. You did everything you could to become the best science officer the captain could ask for. Which... is why I'm here actually."

She seemed confused, eyeing the flowers that not only she held but the ones in my own hand as well. Her usually contained hair looked rushed and not well thought out. The bags under her eyes were evident. Even after spending months in Sickbay for recovery she had taken to doing reports and such on the PADD.

She wasn't saying anything so I decided to continue. "The scientist I think you are is devoted, and charismatic. You could have left me behind on that planet in the Quasar, but you came back for me. You saved me from those plants on the planet that looked like a 'Garden of Eden.' You were stronger than I was when we were fighting off our own pain against those single cell organisms. You have shown me every reason why I should... fall in love with you.

"A love that by definition is illogical, and something that is against every fiber of my being. As a Vulcan... I shouldn't feel the way I do about you. Yet, I can't seem to fight it, nor would I wish to, because then I wouldn't get to share in this moment with you." Her head dropped, I couldn't see her expression. "So, (Y/n), would you go on a date with me?"

She took a deep breath, her head moving up slowly. "Mr. Spock... I think it would be best if you left and never came back. You just said it yourself, love is illogical. It also leads to pain and suffering. Not something I would dare go through again. I managed to survive it the first time... I hardly managed to survive the second. I don't think I could survive a third. If I loved you, if I was capable of loving you... I couldn't risk it. My parents are already gone, I've almost lost the captain countless times. To risk loving anyone or anything else... is not something I think my human heart could bare. So, please, just leave. Save us both the trouble and pain that is going to follow that request."


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