Universe Two, Rescue Mission

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We had gone to Yorktown Starbase for some much needed RnR. The crew and captain were starting to feel the effects of long deep space travel. Spock and I had also been dating for almost three years. My fingers clutched at the necklace he had gifted me on our anniversary, I was uncertain of whether or not I should keep it. It had been after all, his mothers. I managed to catch up to him for a moment. "Spock, do you have a moment?"

He turned his attention to me, holding out a hand as I approached. "Of course, (Y/n). What is it that you need?"

Again I found my fingers clutching at the stone. "It's about the necklace. I'm still not sure it is alright for me to accept it. Your mother is gone and this was her's. If I had anything that reminded me of either her or my father..."

He stopped me, a slight smile on his face. "(Y/n), I promise you, she would have wanted me to give it to someone I truly cared about. That is you." I couldn't argue with that, so instead I held up two fingers, his hand moving to meet mine in the Vulcan kiss. With that I left, there were some supplies I needed to pick up for the next mission out.

Not long after arriving at Yorktown we were sent back into space on a mission that only the Enterprise could handle. Or so we thought. When the Red Alert sounded my entire lab locked down, there were fires and the floor kept shifting. I had no choice but to leave my lab trying to figure out what was happening. Something came crashing into the wall beside me.

It had pierced the hull of the ship, and was opening. Deciding that I didn't want to know what it was, I ran. Phasers blasting the walls as I continued to do my best to dodge them. I even ended up sliding around trying to figure out where I could go. The abandon ship call echoed throughout the halls. Making my way to a pod, I felt something pierce my lower back. Stumbling into one of the pods, it launched. When the pod landed, I stumbled out, taking the pack that came with it.

My eyesight was spotty, and it hurt to move or breathe, but I managed to make it into a stone structure. Letting the wall support me, I sat onto the floor. As the minutes flowed to hours, I let my eyes close. It was becoming too hard to keep them open. Footsteps entering roused me from my sleep, someone's hand shook my shoulder. "(Y/n)... are you alright?"

What was the correct response to that? "No, I'm actually in a lot of pain. Nng, and probably only a few hours from death." McCoy was kneeling beside me, his hand wrapping around my back in an attempt to roll me over. His hand came back, slightly green-ish red blood covered it. "Apologies, for the mess."

I barely managed to say that before I was on my stomach, a slight growl coming from him. "(Y/n) give me your phaser." Carefully, I pulled it from my belt, setting it on the floor. I felt a searing pain not long after, with a second set of footfalls getting closer.

Darkness started to encroach as the voice spoke. "Intriguing. These symbols are the same as those depicted on the artifact taken in the attack."

McCoy turned his attention to Spock. "You think it came from here?"

It was at that point Spock's eyes landed on me. "It would seem so." He walked closer, hand reaching out for me, only to double over in obvious pain. McCoy went to his side, and I pulled myself closer to him.

I watched McCoy kneel beside him. "Damn it, Spock. Easy, Easy. And you, don't move till I'm done looking over you both."

To that I rolled my eyes. "Doctor, unlike Spock, my heart isn't where my liver would be on a human. I am fine, and I can help. Mind you in a limited capacity." Helping as much as I could, we sat Spock up against the wall where I had also been. "Spock. Spock, wake up, damn it!"

Spock's eyes opened to McCoy holding his face in both hands. I had seated myself beside him, watching as Spock pulled McCoy's hand away. "I am entirely conscious, Doctor. I'm simply contemplating the nature of mortality."

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⏰ Last updated: May 01, 2022 ⏰

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