The Apple's of Paradise

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It's been about... three months since I was permitted to start work again. I documented the Hamster like creature and have named it a Figura Mendax. Seeing as I already had an effective anti-venom there was no reason for me to work on creating a new one. Spock has also been asking me to go out to lunch with him on several occasions. I politely as I could declined until Kirk practically ordered me to accept. He wanted me to do other things than just work, read, and sleep as he put it. "Hanging out with Mr. Spock, McCoy, Scotty, and Chgeckov is to become a weekly routine for you. That's an order." He had said to me while I was working on a new fuel source.

So When I didn't have work, because my workload had been cut in half, I went to Engineering and Sickbay every two days. I helped Scotty or McCoy with their work and had lunch or dinner with either Spock or Checkov. It was tiring quickly. Even playing Chess with Spock was boring. I managed to win nine times of ten when we played. The other game landed in a stalemate. Today though there was work to do.

I followed McCoy and two security officers down to the planet's surface. My tricorder in hand I waited to beamed down. I looked around at all of the Flora wondering what kind of reedings I would get from it. "Well, I might just stake out a claim and settle down here, Jim."

I hummed just wondering where I was going to start. "It is spectacular." Kirk said as I turned to the soil. For plants like this I was curious to see what kind of soil there was.

McCoy looked like he'd found paradise. "It's a shame to have to intrude." The soil itself was rich in nutrients.

Spock seemed to notice my interest in the soil's contents. "Well, the last scout ship reported some pretty strange sensor readings. Starfleet wants it investigated and the inhabitants contacted. We do what we're told."

That said I walked over to their group. "Right, just be careful. The soil here is remarkably rich and fertile. Plus, no matter how many planets we find like this one there is usually something wrong with them. And as much as I would love to take a sample aboard for further analysis I don't think it to be wise. Still, husbandry from the soil would be quite efficacious."

That said I let the soil run through the gaps in my fingers back to the ground. "What do you think of her analysis, Mr. Spock?" Kirk turned to Spock, who was now staring at me for whatever reason. His head jerked in Kirks direction upon hearing his name.

He had been staring at me more and more lately. I couldn't understand it. "Yes, I would say so. Readings indicate the entire planet is covered with growth like this. Curious, even at the poles there's very little variation in temperature, which maintains a planet-wide average of seventy-six degrees."

I clicked my tongue to that. "That is an almost impossibility. I would like to know what kind of field or technology the planet is using to achieve such a feat."

After I said that Checkov came walking up with a bundle of leaves in his hand. "Makes me homesick. Just like Russia." I raised a brow. Having been to Russia a few times I knew there were a few places that had a beautiful atmosphere to them.

McCoy of course seemed to disagree with that. "More like the Garden of Eden, Ensign." Checkov agreed, apparently it was just outside Moscow. To that I raised a brow. Not something I had been expecting... but this was Checkov, he had a lot of weird misconceptions about such things. I found it quite fascinating. That said there was a village close to where we were. About seventeen kilometers away from our current location.

We started out when one of the men in red called out to us. The next second he was shot... by a purple hued flower. When he started to fall Kirk caught him. McCoy made his way over quickly but the man was dead. I moved to stand next to Spock, Curious about the flower. "What did somebody say, that paradise must have looked like this?" I let McCoy handle getting the spines that came from the flower out. I would love to analyze them to see what kind of fast acting poison they used. Kirk walked away to call the ship, letting them know to beam the body up. After a few moments Spock went to Kirk with his tricorder readings. This entire planet was an enigma. Kirk sent the others away towards the village, telling them to be careful. Spock on the other hand seemed to see something. I noticed and made my way over to them. "What is it?"

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