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"(Y/n), the captain, McCoy and I will be gone for a little while. We have a planet to investigate, only thirty minutes. I will at most be gone until this number here-" Spock was pointing to a digital clock, its red numbers changing on occasion. He was pointing at the first, not the second or third. "changes up one whole digit. Do you understand?"

I just nodded, even if he never came back it would change nothing. He had work to do, that was understandable. Yet, I was left here. It was almost that hour mark that I was called by Spock. He wanted me to assist Scotty in Engineering. He needed warp 9 and all the power he could get. I acknowledged and trudged myself down.

Power relay burnouts, dilithium crystals dead. Nothing I did made any difference, so when we lost everything but impulse, Scotty sent me to the meeting room. He said Spock would be waiting there. With a nod I walked down the halls until the door opened. "-is the nearest repair base." Scotty was giving Spock the rundown of what was happening.

Spock held his thinking face, he had been doing that a lot lately. "I've already surmised that. Thank you, Mr. Scott." I watched as he turned off the communicator. McCoy was standing back, watching him. Glancing at me when the door opened.

He was still looking at me as he spoke. "Well, Spock, you took your calculated risk in your calculated Vulcan way and you lost. You lost for us, you lost for that planet, and you lost for Jim." Jim... Kirk... Captain. What happened to Kirk? Why wasn't he here, was he still on the planet? Was he dying again?

Spock's eyes turned quickly to us. "I accept the responsibility, Doctor."

McCoy turned his own hardening gaze to Spock. "And my responsibility is the health of this crew. You've been driving yourself too hard and I want you to get some rest. Both of you."

Spock didn't seem like he was paying attention, turning to the communicator. "Mr. Checkov, resume heading 883 mark 41." McCoy didn't understand why we were heading back to the planet, we had no warp speed, so it would take months to get there. "Exactly 59.223 days, Doctor. And that asteroid will be four hours behind us, all the way."

McCoy still didn't understand what he was thinking. "Well then what's the use? We might not..." He paused, his gaze turning to me before speaking lower. "Be able to save the Captain even if he is alive." His tone grew louder again as he became angrier. "We might not be able to save anything, including this ship!" Spock was staring at his screen. "You haven't heard a word I've said. All you've been doing is staring at that blasted obelisk."

That didn't change anything other than Spock motioning me closer. "Another calculated Vulcan risk, Doctor. (Y/n) can you help me with this?" I just nodded, moving to stand behind him. I could feel his hand graze the outside of my shirt, he had gone to take my arm but pulled away.

Several hours passed or maybe days, before Spock stood and told me to sit down. I just stared blankly at him, his hands moving to my shoulders before pushing me down onto the seat. McCoy came in not long after Spock started pacing to my left. "I thought you were reporting to Sick Bay."

Spock didn't look at him either. "There isn't time, Doctor. I must decipher those obelisk symbols. They're a highly-advanced form of cipher writing."

McCoy didn't seem to like that. "You've had the two of you on that ever since we started back to that planet 58 days ago." 58 days. I didn't remember much of it, how much of it did we sleep? I know we did, Spock always set aside time for the things I hadn't done before. We never deviated from that routine, so why can't I remember?

Spock stopped pacing, his arms crossed. "I'm aware, Doctor. I'm also aware that when we arrive at the planet, we'll have barely four hours to effect rescue. I believe those symbols are the key."

Emotionless: Spock x ReaderTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang