Universe Two- Kahn's Wrath

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The Captain was doing something stupid... again. I had hoped that talking him out of this would be successful this time. Yet, like every other time, he still went down to the planet's surface to do this mission. To keep this volcano from exploding, a mission that Spock agreed to mind you. What was worse, was how it ended. Sock got stuck in the middle of the volcano and Kirk ordered the Enterprise to save him.

So not only did we disrupt the indigenous species, we were seen by the indigenous species. How was I going to report this to Starfleet? Truthfully, because that is what a good Starfleet operative would do. "You hear that Spock, you just saved the world."

I had just walked into the transporter room. "Captain, with all due respect, you violated the prime directive. This is problematic."

Kirk shook his head. "Oh, come on, (Y/n). They saw us. Big deal." As expected he was making this seem less of a problem that it really was. I sighed, resigning myself to my reports. This was seriously insane. So when we made it back to Earth I filed my reports and went on my way. There really wasn't much I could do.

Days seemed to pass slowly after that and they combed over our crew. From what I heard down the grapevine, Kirk was made first officer and Spock was transferred to the USS Bradbury. During that week, something strange happened. There was an explosion somewhere where a lot of research occured.

When I got the call to report to an Emergency Session I showed up on time as expected of me. "I'm familiar with yours and (Y/n)'s compulsion to follow the rules. But you see, I can't do that. Where I come from, if someone saves your life, you don't stab them in the back."

I turned, hearing Kirk arguing with someone. "Vulcans cannot lie." Spock. It had to be him, because of course, why wouldn't it have been.

Kirk sounded angry to say the least. "Then I'm talking to the half-human part of you. All right? Do you understand why I went back for you? Does she understand?" The talk was stopped short as Frank Abbot went to collect Spock.

I walked past them to take my seat as Kirk continued. "The truth is, I'm going to miss you." Nothing more was said, instead just a frustrated sigh escaped Kirks lips as he walked away to his station.

With that said, it was time to start. "Thank you for convening on such short notice. Be seated." I took my seat to the left of our captain ank Kirk to the right. "By now some of you have heard what happened in London. The target was a Starfleet data archive. Now it's a damned hole in the ground, 42 men and women are dead. One hour ago, I received a message from a Starfleet officer, who confessed to carrying out this attack, that he was being forced to do it by this man, Commander John Harrison.

"He's one of our own and he is the man responsible for this act of savagery. For reasons unknown, John Harrison has just declared a one-man war against Starfleet. And under no circumstances are we to allow this man to escape federation space. You here tonight represent the senior command of all the vessels in the region. And in the name of those we lost, you will run this bastard down. This is a manhunt, pure and simple, so let's get to work.

"Earth's perimeter sensors have not detected any warp signatures leaving the system, so we know he can't be far. You will park your ships in a blockade formation then deploy search vehicles and landing parties to run down every lead. This man has shown willingness to kill innocent people, so the rules of engagement are simple. If you come across this man and fear for your life or the lives of those nearby, you are authorized to use deadly force on sight."

This was crazy, all of these resources just for one man? There had to be some connection I was missing. Not only that, but if he was as dangerous as this man stated, how did he know. All we currently had was information that he coursed a fellow officer into blowing up a building.

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