Beginnings of Exhaustion

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It is to be said that Spock has been working with me for the past few weeks. We were supposed to speak again in a few hours, but Kirk had both of us busy lately. When we were placed on Red Alert, I did the same as that day, the day Spock almost died. The only thing I could do was wait it out, that was until I was called to an away party. Essentially we were going to be taken as hostages to speak with the Romulan commander.

I was silent as Spock placed his hand at my back leading the way into her room. "Captain Kirk." If you didn't know any better you would think that she was a Vulcan. There were of course a few feature differences, but they were still nearly identical. Kirk just smiled as he acknowledged her. "I don't think so. But we have an important matter to discuss, and your superficial courtesies are an overture to that discussion." Then she turned to Spock, and glanced at myself. "You are the first officer... and who might you be?"

The man ahead of me nodded. "Spock, and Officer (Y/n)."

She turned her attention back to Kirk. "I speak first with the Captain. You two may wait outside." Spock nodded before glancing at Kirk and leading me outside the room. "The matter of trespass in..." Spock looked as if he wanted to tell me something but was not obligated to do so. So all I could do was sit and wait. Then not long after we were permitted to enter the room once again. "The Captain has made his statement." What was this all supposed to mean? "I must admit, some surprise on seeing you, Spock. We were not aware of Vulcans aboard the Enterprise. Even your little officer has the slight resemblance of a Vulcan."

This didn't even seem to bother the man in the slightest. "Starfleet is not in the habit of informing Romulans of its ships' personnel."

She acknowledged this rather easily. "Quite so. Yet there are certain ships, certain officers, that are known to us. Your situations appear most interesting."

Kirk didn't seem to like it one bit. "What earns Spock and (Y/n) your special interest?"

Her statement was simple. "They are Vulcan. Our forebears had the same roots and origins. Something you wouldn't understand, Captain. We can appreciate the Vulcans, our distant brothers. I have heard of Vulcan integrity and personal honor. There is a well-known saying," She walked closer to us. "Or is it a myth, that Vulcans are incapable of lying."

Of course it wasn't a myth, Between Spock and myself, we have not told any lies aside from playing off our physical well being. That was when she asked us to tell her by our honor what our mission was. I went first. "My only mission is to be a great science officer serving under Captain Kirk. As for having Vulcan honor, that is irrelevant to me as I was not raised by the Vulcan people."

She picked up a brow before turning to Spock. "I reserve the privilege of only speaking when it will not violate my honor as a Vulcan." To that she looked between us.

Almost studying us. "It is unworthy of a Vulcan to resort to subterfuge."

I'm sure if Spock could roll his eyes, he would have. "You're being clever, Commander. That is unworthy of a Romulan. It is not a lie to keep the truth to oneself."

To that she seemed to catch on. "Then there is a truth here that remains unspoken." Kirk tried to redirect but no good came from it. "There is Mr. Spock's unspoken truth. You knew of the cloaking device that we have developed. You deliberately violated Romulan space with a blatant spy mission by order of the Federation Command."

Kirk wasn't letting up and I didn't understand what was going on. It wasn't like either side informed me what this mission was supposed to be about. "We've been all through that, Commander."

She on the other hand was getting short. "We have not even begun!" Stopping her tantrum she turned to Spock and myself. "There is no force that I can use on a Vulcan that will make him speak. That is a fact. But there are Romulan methods completely effective against humans and human weaknesses."

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