I need you

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Our current location was on a planet that had been surveyed some time ago. We were looking for a particular rock. "Our scanner survey was correct, Captain. There it is, pure tritanium." I was assisting a few of the red shirts load some rocks into containers. Still, Kirk seemed satisfied with the find.

Not that I could blame him. This was a decent find indeed. "Fantastic. Twenty times as hard as diamond."

To that I turned to correct him. "Captain, it's exactly twenty-one point four times as hard." He nodded and I returned to my work as he called up Scotty. I paused, sitting up slightly. There was a strange scent in the air. "Honey?"

Kirk seemed to catch the scent as well. "Do you smell that? A sweet odor like honey." He was acting strangely, almost like he was remembering something. "It was years ago, on another planet... a thing with an... an odor like that."

My brow furrowed as I got to my feet, something was wrong here. "We're in the growing season in this hemisphere of this planet, Captain. There are doubtless many pollen aromas."

Somehow, I got the feeling that it wasn't the plants creating that smell. "Rizzo. Take your men... and (Y/n), make a swing around our perimeter. Scan for dikironium in the atmosphere. Set your phasers in disruptor-B. If you see any gaseous cloud, fire immediately. You're on Red Alert. Make a sweep."

I followed the men pulling out my tricorder and setting it for the scan of Dikironium. Setting my phaser second with the appropriate setting I started the scans. We hit a clearing following the readings that the captain had given us. "Rizzo, it's gone. It might know we're looking for it. We should keep sharp."

He nodded looking at his own tricorder. "Yeah, seemed to read it for a minute, then I lost it. Almost like whatever it is knows I'm scanning. It just kinda keeps changing itself into something different." With that we resumed our scans. I fiddled with my tricorder a bit more, hoping to get something off of the creature. "But that isn't possible."

I rolled my eyes. "Possible or not, we have a job to do. Remember, if you see it, fire the phaser." Noting a strange gasping, choking noise, I turned to the other men. There was some sort of strange sparkly cloud covering them Whipping out my phaser I debated on firing with the men inside. "Rizzo, call the captain!"

While he pulled out his phaser and communicator I aimed at the cloud unsure of what to do. "Captain. Captain, there's a strange cloud, sir." Before I could decide that cloud started at us, I fired off a shot, not that it seemed to do anything. Moving to check my settings, I got caught up in the cloud myself. "It's... cloud... cloud..." It was choking us. I felt weak, like the life was being drained from my body... with that sickly sweet scent of honey filling my nostrils.

(Kirk POV)

Rizzo called over the communicator, and I heard someone firing a phaser but the sounds of choking and his last word had both Spock and I running to where we sent the team. No one was standing. Two of the Red shirts were on their backs, (Y/n) was leaning against a rock, and Rizzo was on his stomach not too far away.

(Y/n) still had her phaser in hand, knuckles white from clutching it. "Spock. Dead, and you'll find every red corpuscle gone from their body." I stared at her, I thought she would have at least been able to help the men. Her head would have been kept clear and she would have been able to follow my orders. What have I done?

Spock left my side checking on (Y/n) and Rizzo with his tricorder. "Rizzo's alive, barely." He paused, taking a closer look at (Y/n). A sigh of relief seemed to pass his lips. "And so is (Y/n)." I had to be quick if there was going to be any hope of saving them.

Pulling out my own communicator I made the call. "Kirk to Enterprise. Scotty, lock in on us. Medical emergency." Spock looked at me as he placed a hand on (Y/n)'s shoulder.

Emotionless: Spock x ReaderKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat