Shore Leave

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We were pushing our engines more than we should have been... again. This was at least the tenth time the Captain has done something reclase and blown a coupling or a cooling circuit. After the Romulan run in, I wanted to make sure everything was in working order. Today it was just supposed to be an easy coupling fix. Routine, something that shouldn't cause what happened next. As I was taking just a precautionary reading to find which one to replace there was a small spark.

The sparks caught my attention and I was quick go examine the circuit closer. There were several sparks following a line to a burnt looking coupling. This was the one I needed to replace, turning the power out to the location came first. Once that was done I started to head back when I heard a popping coming from the wall next to me.

I stopped for just a second to check it out when a bright light flashed next to me. It blasted me into the wall and I felt a sharp pain before there was nothing. I almost wondered if I'd died, but it seemed unlikely. I made sure my breaths were slow and measured checking over myself slowly. It was a few hours before I could move my fingers.

I took it slow, moving each finger individually. "How is she doing Bones?" That sounded like the captain. Soft boots hitting the floor, at least three sets of them. They were getting closer to where I was. "It's been almost a month since the incident."

They stopped just on either side of me. "She's going to be fine captain. Any other crewman would have gone into shock. More than likely she will be starting to wake soon." There was a pause, something warm touched my hand causing it to flinch. "Ah, miss (Y/n), it seems your starting to wake. Don't move around to much alright. Can you open your eyes?"

I scrunched my eyes up a bit before trying to peel them open, after a few seconds I managed to crack them open. "C-captain?" My throat felt dry and oddly sore. "C-can I have s-some w-water?" There were a few footsteps walking away from me and something pouring into a glass object. McCoy and the Captain took my shoulders carefully pulling my into a sitting position, I winced slightly.

Once in a more comfortable position the person I assume had walked away came back holding a glass. I didn't recognize him. He wore a blue starfleet shirt, had short black hair and pointed ears. Vulcan? I'd heard we had one abroad, but I hadn't met him. "Here you are miss, (L/n)." I squinted slightly, picking my hands up carefully I took the glass from him.

Placing the glass to my lips I took my first gulps of the cool water. I felt like I hadn't had anything to drink in over a month. "Thank you... uh, mister...." I grew quiet trying to remember the name of the lead science officer. "Spock? That is your name, yes?" Sure I work under him, but he never gives me orders, nor has he come to greet me once since I joined up with the Captain.

He placed his hands to his sides. "That is correct. Might I inquire as to what you, a science officer, was doing with couplings." I blinked as he stared at me, his facial expression stoic and unreadable. That could be said for Vulcans though.

It was another few moments before I answered. "Due to our fight with the Romulans I was doing my routine engineering checks. I am a certified engineer, even if I was hired on as a science officer I can locate and fix small circuits and the like. It was supposed to be a simple in and out job. I even turned off the power to the coupling that needed to be replaced. When I heard the pop it was too late to turn off the power to the more damaged of the one I didn't see. Speaking of which, no one else was caught up in the blast correct?"

I asked this looking to McCoy for the answer. He was looking at the monitors on the wall behind me. "No, the explosion was localized and could have blown larger had you not cut the power to the next one in line. According to Scotty, 'She's a smart lass. Knows where to look for trouble and keep it from getting out of hand. Had she not cut the power we could have lost half the deck."

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