Time for Blights

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Mipha leapt to the side as the tornado ripped up the ground where she was just a few moments ago. Revali knocked a bomb arrow on the string and sent it soaring into the monster as the Zora laughed. Zelda is hidden behind them as she tries to reawaken her ancient power, hoping and praying it will happen sooner rather than later. Knocking another arrow, Revali lets it sing as it strikes the blights eye, getting it to roar in pain.

"Last time we should have done it together." Mipha stated as she spins the trident blocking the burst of magic that tries to knock the two champions away.

"How are you doing Zelda?" Revali asked as the princess groaned.

"Not good. I can't do anything." Zelda said as she peeks out of her hiding spot, as Revali dodges out of the way of the bullets from the beast. He raised his hand to his mouth, he gave a shrill whistle before grabbing for a shock arrow. Spinning he fired at the blight that started to emerge from the pool of water behind them. The blight roared, the water making up it's body crackling with electricity. They needed to find the others, they needed help. This wasn't a fair fight. Revali turned again, the bomb arrow hitting the Wind blight in the mask as it tried desperately to block the attack but failed.

"Get down!" Mipha yelled as she tackled Revali to the ground as a spear of glowing blue magic soared past their heads.

"We aren't going to win without help." Revali muttered as he shifted, knocking another shock arrow on the string and firing. The blight shifted, the water that swam through the magic almost bubbling as the beast moved dodging the arrow. A flurry of wind rocked around them, as the airblight called forth another tornado throwing the two into the air. Mipha struggles to grab her trident that was ripped from her hand as they were thrown about. Revali tries to snag another arrow from his quiver, but he just can't grasp it. A trill fills the air as a flash of crimson bursts into the tornado, and the Rito scrambled for the belt on the bird's back. Medoh spins, his wings folding in as he breaks free from the vortex before catching himself and turning to grab Mipha. A blast of water forces Medoh upwards as the Zora grabs her spear and sends it soaring into the eye of the windblight.

A roar echoes from the blight as Revali tries to dive after Mipha again as a wave of magic pushes them upwards. The gale. A voice in his head roars as he unthinkingly moves his right arm skyward as a gust of wind throws the Zora high into the air. Medoh swoops below her as Revali reaches out his arm and clasps hers, before pulling her onto the back of the loftwing.

"Oh... you remembered your gale, that'll be useful!" Mipha laughed as Medoh swoops down towards the injured blight. Mipha leaps from the back of the bird landing on the blights head and rips the trident from its place. Another scream escapes the beast as it gets to its feet and Mipha jumps from her spot on it's head, rolling to break her fall.

"These things don't die!" Revali yelled as he fired another shock arrow into the stomach of the water blight as it tried to attack Mipha. Mipha nodded before blocking a series of shots from the wind blight.

"It's almost like they are just made of magic." Mipha yelled.

"Don't get sassy with me while we're in a battle."

"You're the one that said the stupid statement."

"Are you two seriously having this conversation right now?" Zelda shouted from behind her hiding spot.

"It sounds like you guys could use some help." Teba laughed as he fired a bomb arrow into the back of the windblight, getting it to roar. His loftwing swerved around the blights arm as it tried to knock away the flier.

"Took you long enough!" Mipha yelled as she braced her stance against the spear that tried to slam down on her. A roar escaped the waterblight as electricity surges through it, as Urbosa skids beside it the lightning searing off of her. The windblight tried to attack again, but never got the chance before the goddesses blade flew into its eye, getting it to collapse to the ground, the magic dispersing.

"Where's Zelda?" Link asked as a roar escaped the waterblight. Huffing a breath, Link grabbed the blade from its spot and started towards the other blight. The blight roars as Medoh dives, his talons grabbing Link by his shoulder and pulling the knight off the ground with a beat of his wings. Raising the spear the monster shrouded in magic attempts to attack, as Daruk slams his sword into the blights base sending it off kilter. A growl escapes it as it raises it's free arm to block Mipha's trident only for a shock arrow to hit it's back. Medoh flew Link up above the blight's head before dropping him, as the goddesses blade hit it's mark in the creature's mask. The blight collapsed a few moments later, as the magic fled from the warriors before retreating into the castle.

"Everyone alright?" Daruk asked as he looked around at the group. Zelda peeked out of her hiding spot before sprinting over to Urbosa, who quickly embraced the princess.

"As good as we are going to be." Link muttered as he returned the blade to it's sheath. Revali landed on the ground as Teba touched down beside him, the two loftwings almost humming to each other.

"Link you're hurt." Mipha said as she noticed the burn marks on his uniform.

"I'm fine, right now we have a new issue." Link said, pointing out towards the city where he could see the guardian's wrecking havoc.

"Revali, Teba who can fly with you guys?" Zelda asked as the two Rito glanced at each other.

"Daruk, I'm sorry, but I don't think you'll fit." Teba stated as the Goron nodded. Mipha was already climbing up onto the back of Medoh as Zelda spoke. "Urbosa, you coming." Teba asked, offering his hand to her. Urbosa cast one glance at Zelda getting the princesses nod of approval before she took Teba's hand.

"You four get rid of those guardians. Link, Daruk and I will go to deal with the rest of that magic."

"But Zelda, you can't use your powers." Mipha informed as the group stood in silence.

"It'll be alright. Just help out our people." Zelda reassured as Teba and Revali shared a look before ordering the two loftwings into the air.

"Princess?" Daruk asked.

"There is one more blight, Daruk. Can I trust you to hold it off until we deal with the magic that has Link's father?" Zelda questioned as the Goron nodded before slinging his sword onto his shoulder and rushing off to find the other blight.


"You've beaten him before." Zelda muttered.

"He's my dad." Link whispered.

"I don't think we have a choice, Link. Right now, whatever this thing is, it isn't your father. I'm sorry..."

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