Early Mornings

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"Teba, hey you alright?" Revali asked as he walked out to the living room, finding the Rito sprawled on the ground. Blankets littered the couch and floor, as the white haired man slowly rubbed at his eyes.

    "Yeah, fine..." Teba whispered as he pressed the palms of his hands into his eyes. Revali wanted to help, he really did, but he didn't even know where to begin. Link walked out behind him, already dressed in his royal guard uniform as he glanced at the other knight. "How bad was I last night?"

    "Well you were limping..." Link stated as Teba cursed forcing himself to sit up.

    "What time is it?"

    "6:15 am." Teba groaned before getting to his feet and heading to the door.

    "See you in the meeting Link." Teba mumbled as he pulled the door open and left walking right into Mipha as the girl was about to knock. Her own uniform looked pristine, well at least it did before Teba walked into her.

    "Teba. I was actually looking for you. Ganon wants to meet you in the throne room in thirty minutes." Mipha stated as Teba sprinted to his apartment across the hall. "Link the same orders from Zelda, her parents are returning at 7 and you guys are to greet them because apparently they have big news." Mipha informed as Link raised an eyebrow at the statement.

    "That's concerning."

    "I fear it's what we all think it is." Mipha added before she turned and left the two of them. Revali glanced at Link feeling the others nerves as he mentally prepared himself for a rough day of yelling. Taking Link's hand, he gave it a small squeeze before he pulled away to get ready.

    "I was going to offer to drop you off today, but I guess I can't." Link called through the partly closed door.

    "I'd loved you too. Do you think Harth's going to be there?"

    "You think the police let him go already?" Link asked as he waited for an answer only for Revali to step out a few minutes later, as he brushed out his hair. Link never really noticed how long it was. It went down to the middle of Revali's back, Link sometimes could barely tolerate the hair at the length it was.

    "What?" Revali questioned as he started to separate his hair into sections before working at the braid.

    "Just never realized how long your hair was." Link admitted as Revali smiled casting the other a small smirk. Rolling his eyes, he continued his work, taking each piece in hand before crossing it over another.

    "It was long before." Revali stated as he finished off the end of the braid.

    "How long?"

    "Long enough... Don't you have a princess to guard." Revali smiled as Link rolled his eyes grabbing the goddess blade from its place.

    "I guess I-" Link fell silent as Revali stopped mid stride to the bathroom, his eyes snapping to the younger.

    "Link?" No response, as Revali starts towards the knight but he is cautious. He holds a blade in his hand, a blade that is known to cut through evil. Revali stopped a few inches from Link, before taking a deep breath and touching his arm. Link's eyes cut through him as he stared at the Rito for a few seconds before silently putting the strap to hold the blade in place across his chest.

    "I'm okay." Link whispered. Revali could already tell it was a lie.

    "What happened?" Link was silent before he turned on his heels walking back to his bedroom and disappearing inside. Revali waited a few moments before Link returned carrying the bow case in hand. Setting it on the counter, he unlocked it, pulling the weapon from its foam containment.

"Take it." Link muttered as he offered the bow to Revali.

    "It's a weapon, I can't."

    "Please... I need to make sure you'll be okay." Link mumbled as Revali hesitated before taking the bow from his hand. Link disappeared down the hallway once again, this time heading into the guest room before reemerging carrying a quiver filled with a series of arrows. Two thirds of which he didn't recognize, at least until he plucked one out of the bundle. His eyes trailed the red arrow head for a few seconds before the scent of gunpowder filled his nostrils.

    "This is a bomb arrow." Revali mumbled before he replaced it, and grabbed another arrow. A strange device sat just below the arrow head, and it connected the tip of the projectile. Revali hesitantly reached up and touched the end as a zap of electricity forced his hand away and he stared at Link. "I can't take these."

    "I'm not giving you a choice." Link said as Revali cast a glance at his boyfriend. "Please..." Revali slowly grabbed the quiver sling, before tying it around his waist and sliding the quiver into place over his lower back. Pulling on his shoes, he grabbed his work bag before slinging the bow over his shoulder.

    "Everything is going to be okay, right?" Revali asked as he gave Link a concerned look. Link's eyes shifted to the ground and Revali's stomach dropped.

    "Do you know what happened in our past life?"

    "Besides dying to a monster, no."

    "They were known as blights. Those creatures were created during what historians call the great calamity. It wiped out the majority of the sheikah clan and most of the hylians. It almost destroyed all of Hyrule, the only ones who could stop it was a princess who was claimed to be the reincarnation of the goddess Hylia and a warrior spirit who wields the goddesses blade." Link stopped as the blade on his back started to hum. "Before the calamity, the leaders of each race chose champions to pilot the divine beasts. They were machines created by the shiekah's ancient technologies along with the guardians. They were supposed to help destroy the calamity, but when it came and the champions returned to their beasts, those blights were waiting. They each fell to the blights and with it the calamity grew, forcing the princess and her warrior to flee. The calamity didn't stop at the destruction of lives, it turned the divine beasts and the guardians against their creators.

    Ultimately the princess and warrior encountered a pack of guardians. The warrior was able to fend them off, but just barely, he was badly injured and that is when the princess unlocked her powers. She saved the warrior and sent him to the shrine of resurrection. Where he awoke a hundred years later and defeated the calamity that the princess held off for all that time." Link glanced up at Revali for a few moments.

"I thought those were just old folklore." Revali admitted.

"It isn't. I'm the reincarnation of the warrior spirit, and Zelda is the reincarnation of the goddess. It's been nearly fifteen millennium since then, we have grown and evolved, let alone had another threat like that. The goddes- the master sword, claims that the time has come again. So... I need you safe..." Link whispered as Revali stared at his boyfriend.

"Link, this thing could kill everyone."

"I know... If this thing gets a foothold in the city, then everything is over. I need you to take Medoh, and return to Rito to warn them."

"I'm not leaving you!" Revali shouted.

"Please, I jus-"

"I'm the reincarnation of the Champion Revali! My job is simple, to help the warrior who wields the goddesses blade and protect the princess gifted with the goddesses magic. I will not turn and run like a coward, if I die fighting then so be it. I will not run." Revali said, his voice shifting between his and someone else's, perhaps his own at one point.  Revali threw down his work bag and grabbed Link's arms, forcing the knight's eyes to meet his. Link stared at his boyfriend stunned for a few seconds before wrapping a hand around the back of his neck, and bringing him into a kiss. They broke away after a minute their eyes locking as Revali gave him a wicked smile.

"We should warn the others." Link stated as Revali nodded as the two rushed out of the apartment, hand in hand.

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