High Fliers

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Zelda practically yelped when she saw her hair, blue starting at the top before turning to a deep purple as it ran down to her ends. She couldn't stop thanking Revali as she hugged him tight, not allowing him to move, let alone continue with the rest of her cover up. Link sat on the couch, his shoes kicked up on the coffee table as he watched the two interact. It was a wonderful sight in his opinion. Zelda wasn't ever allowed to dye her hair, she wasn't allowed to dress down, she wasn't allowed to hide in plain sight. She had to always be regal and beautiful, always perfect for everyone, so seeing her relaxing and enjoying something as simple as a temporary hair dye was amazing to Link. Urbosa sat on the other stool, her hand under her jaw, propping it up as she watched her girlfriend giggling like a child in a candy store. The Gerudo could never really hide like Zelda could, but Link didn't see an issue with it as long as they didn't run into paparazzi.

Somethings wrong.

The voice was always there in the back of his mind and he got to his feet moving before going to the back of the couch, leaning against it. His eyes scanned over the blade for a few moments, before he huffed a breath.

Somethings wrong.

Explain it to him then, Link didn't have all the time or patience to deal with this. Zelda was chattering to Revali and Urbosa was watching the two intently as they talked animatedly.

I fear for her safety. If you go alone, something bad will happen.

Link could almost feel his skin bristle at the statement, before taking a deep breath, hoping nobody noticed. He pushed away from the couch and reached up taking the sword in hand before pulling the blade from the sheath. The blade almost glowed as he held it, the handle fitting expertly in his grasp almost like it was made for him.

"Link?" The voice was soft and enough to break Link of his minor trance. Revali was standing a few feet away from him, his mouth slightly a gap. Zelda and Urbosa stood on the other side of the kitchen, watching the knight from afar almost afraid to approach him. "Is everything alright?" Revali asked.

It's for their safety.

"I... sorry... just a bit lost in my head." Link muttered before returning the blade to its place. Zelda moved around the counter, her hand extending out to take his which he quickly obliged.

"You heard it?" Zelda asked, getting a confused look from Urbosa and Revali.

"Yes... its says that something is wrong and that it fears for your safety. We shouldn't go alone." Link answered as Zelda chuckled.

"Alright, then give Urbosa a gun and get Teba in here." Zelda said with a big smile.

"Are you certain? I don't want to ruin your day out." Link stated as Zelda shrugged.

"Trust the blade, it knows best." Zelda said as she dug out her phone texting Teba before walking over to Urbosa. Revali stared at Link for a few moments before Link moved around the couch to the coffee table, yanking open one of the two drawers before pushing aside some papers and other useless junk. Pulling out two pistols he tossed one to Urbosa who quickly checked the clip to see if it was full. Satisfied, the Gerudo slammed the clip back into place before slipping it into her belt and pushing her larger shirt over it, hiding it from sight. Link followed suit, sliding the gun behind his back into the waistband.

"So where are we going?" Urbosa asked as she pulled her phone from her pocket scanning the different attractions around the city.

"Oh can we go see Farosh." Zelda blurted as Link glanced at the princess for a few moments.

"He only comes out at midnight." A pout escaped Zelda as Revali chuckles. A small knock comes from the door as Link goes to let Teba inside.

"We should totally go to the zoo." Teba states as he struts into the apartment, a black brimmed infantry cap hiding his hair and Ray-Bans covering his eyes. He was wearing a simple blue shirt and grey shorts.

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