Warm Welcome

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Revali stared down at the unknown number as he exited the plane his heart racing in his chest. Urbosa seemed friendly enough, he thought as he slung the duffle bag on his shoulder before heading out of the connecting tunnel and into the terminal. Link still hadn't read his text from earlier and that bothered him just a little, but he knew that Link was busy. He couldn't be irritated with Link if he was doing his job. Revali understood how much time and commitment his job took after all he was also the youngest knight in recent Hyrule history.

Revali forced himself out of his head, focusing his attention on the signs to get to the place he needed to be picked up. He followed the signs as they lead him to an escalator which led to a lower level, baggage claim. Okay, this wouldn't be so bad. He looked around the area before glancing down at his phone once more noticing that Urbosa said that she would be by the place for rent cars. Scanning the walls he saw the sign before turning and heading that way, his feet carrying him there unconsciously. As he grew closer a fruity voice echoed through the area.

"I'm not going to tell you about my love life with the princess." A woman who stood far taller than anyone around her laughed. Her hair like rubies and her posture was that of a warrior. She wore a simple black v neck shirt and light blue jeans with cuts over the knees. A gold necklace with multicolored jews adorned her dark skin. A green and gold hairband held back the majority of her hair and she wore simple black sandals. Bright blue lipstick popped against her eyes and gold bangles bounced on her wrists. Link was incorrect, Urbosa wasn't wearing a typical Gerudo outfit. Revali hesitated as he noticed a few people standing around cameras in hand and recorders held up high for the woman to talk effortlessly into them. He could only guess they were reporters. How does he even approach her?
Urbosa's sapphire eyes turned to him and a small smile crossed her face before looking back to the paparazzi. "Now, if you excuse me." She said, before turning on the balls of her feet and walking towards Revali. "Do you happen to be Revali?" Urbosa asked as she smiled at the shorter man. Revali nodded some of his charcoal hair falling from the braid as Urbosa gestured towards the camera's and recorders as they turned back to them.

"I'm going to tell you all this one time. If you do not get out of my way, you'll all understand the wraith of a Gerudo." She growled as the paparazzi hesitated before slowly dispersing, leaving the woman alone.
"Do you have any other bags?" Urbosa said as Revali shook his head no and the woman raised an eyebrow. "Not much of a talker are you? I see why you and Link get along so well then. Alright, follow me." Urbosa ordered as she made her way out of the airport heading towards the parking ramp. Revali stuck closer to her as people stopped snapping photos of the two of them as they proceeded towards the vehicle.

"Is it always like this?" Revali asked, a little uncomfortable around all the cameras.

"Pretty much, but don't worry once we get to the castle it won't be an issue. I'm Urbosa by the way." Urbosa said with a smile as Revali felt himself ease a bit. She was nice. "Don't worry the paparazzi won't overly bother you unless you are with Zelda or another member of the royal family."

"What about Link?" Revali asked as they approached the blue hummer, that Urbosa unlocked.

"Not really, unless he is out with the goddesses blade." Revali snapped his eyes up to her as Urbosa gestured for him to climb in.

"The goddesses blade? You mean the one that was stuck in stone by the last hero of the gods all those millennium ago?" Urbosa nodded as Revali clambered inside the large vehicle.

"The very same.... Didn't he tell you that he wields it?" Urbosa asked as she turned on the vehicle.

"I guess it just never came up." Revali said as Urbosa nodded driving out of the garage. Why wouldn't Link tell him that? Was he ashamed of it? No of course not, that is such an honor to have. To wield the blade of the goddesses, Revali could only imagine the praise that came with that title. 

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