Guard Duty

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Link practically sprinted into his apartment, shedding off the grey coat he was wearing. Kicking off his shoes, he launched himself towards the uniform that hung on a hanger in the corner of the room. It was still wet. Link cursed under his breath as he started pulling on the royal guard uniform. Digging his phone out of his pocket, he dialed Urbosa's number.

"What?" Urbosa answered, obviously irritated with Link calling her at this exact moment. He flipped the phone to speaker setting it on the couches arm rest.

"Hey I'm cashing in a favor." Link said as he pulled on the red tunic, before reaching for the black pants. Grabbing the pistol off his tossed away pants, he strapped it to the belt before setting to work on the rest of the uniform.

"What did Zelda do now?"

"Nothing... okay maybe something. Remember how I asked off for today because I was picking up Revali?" Link asked as he grabbed the white boots.

"She said you couldn't have off. Are you kidding me, you've been talking about this guy since we met at training." Urbosa mumbled.

"I'm aware. Can you pick him up for me, I need to attend this event apparently cause the guys I sent to watch the princess flaked." Link said as he grabbed the blue cover over the tunic, buttoning it as quickly as possible.

"Revali, right? You're lucky I'm not attending this event. Yeah I'll grab Teba and we'll go get him."

"Teba's already on guard duty for my father. You're not getting him anytime soon." Link said as he grabbed the cap pulling it on before fixing his long blond hair a bit. Taking the belt off the couch, he locked it in place around his stomach holding down the fabrics.

"Really? Fine, I'll do it. Send me the flight info." Urbosa said as she hung up and Link grabbed the phone off the couch's arm rest forwarding the boarding pass and Revali's number to her. Zipping up his boots, he shoved his phone into his pocket before going to grab the goddesses blade that hung over the mantel. It was still as heavy as the day he lifted it from the stone pedestal, the only person in millenia to be able to lift the weapon let alone wield it. The purple sheath almost glowed in his hand as the gold detailing shimmered, and he carefully strapped the weapon to his back. Grabbing his apartment keys, he headed out taking care to shut off all the lights before leaving. Leaving the third floor, he descended into the basement level, opting to take the tunnel that connects the compound to the castle rather than having to walk outside.

"LINK!" Link almost winces at the shout as he gets to Zelda's wing of the castle. He takes a deep breath, calming himself for a few moments before pushing aside all emotions and opening the bedroom door.
"You're late!" the governess growls from where she stands trying to tie the dress that Zelda is wearing in place. Link bows his head to the princess and governess only to hear a huff of annoyance instead.
"You never make the princess wait." The dark haired governess snaps at him as Link wishes he could glare at the older woman.

"He didn't make us wait, I'm not even ready yet." Zelda piped in but was shushed by her mother figure as the governess moved to get the tiara off its pedestal.

"My apologies princess, I didn't mean to make you wait." Link admitted as Zelda gave him a sympathetic look from across the room. Zelda gave him the weekend off for a reason, now here he was just because Governess Ruto decided he couldn't have a break.

"Also those guards you sent, they weren't good enough." The governess responded as Link wanted to ask what she meant but held his tongue. He was already in trouble it seemed.

"They were fine, I helped hand pick them." Zelda tried to defend, only to be shushed by her surrogate mother.

"I do not care, Zelda. They are not your appointed knight, it is Link's job to take care of you." Ruto stated as Zelda snatched the tiara from the woman, before walking over to Link and pushing open the door.

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