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We need Zelda, only she can stop the assault. You need to get to the princess! You can cleave the power away, but she needs to seal it away forever. Link cursed himself as he guided the group out of the castle. They could see the magic as it twisted and turned through the air, fleeing the castle with speed as it found its newest targets. The guardians were starting to awaken, their colors flickering to a pink as their claws tore from the ground. Vehicles and people raced away from the towering machines as the roar of their screams sounded in the wind.

"We have an issue." Urbosa said as the magic spun and twirled in front of them, a shape taking form. A large left hand engulfed in flame appeared as the magic fused to create a body, and a large glowing blue blade formed where the right hand would be. Fire rushed forward from the creature's body as it stared down at the group through its mask. Link could feel the fear rising up in his chest as he reached up for the blade sliding it from it's sheath in a swift movement. Daruk glanced at the two of them, an unconscious Teba in his arms.

"Get Teba to safety." Link ordered as the Goron nodded, leaving Urbosa and Link.

"So? What do you remember about this thing?"

"I remember a lot of fire." Link answered as the creature sent a ball of flame soaring towards them, and the two dodged out of the way. Urbosa grabbed for her pistol on her waist and fired off a few rounds only for the creature to ignore the attack. Growling to herself, Urbosa tossed the gun aside as another flame roared towards her. The gun was pointless in this battle. Link sliced through a burst of magic as the creature roared raising up it's own blade before slamming down where he stood. Bringing the goddess's blade up, he blocked the attack as the blight tried to overpower him. Link held his ground as he glanced over at Urbosa who was practically defenseless against this creature. Flames burned at his side as the blight tossed a ball of fire at him, it burned at his guard uniform searing his skin as he forced the blight's blade away from his own. Rolling to safety, he quickly patted out the flames on his side before gazing at Urbosa who still didn't know what to do with herself.

"Get to safety."

"I'm not leaving you with that thing." Urbosa shouted back as the sword swung out aiming for her as Link tackled her to the ground as the blade flew over their heads.

"Not a suggestion. Get to Safety!" Link ordered as he got back to his feet blocking another swing of the massive sword. Urbosa hesitated, but did as she was told rushing off in the direction that Daruk had gone hoping to find the Goron descendant. Rounding a bend she barely caught herself before rushing into the towering man.

"Where's Link?"

"Fighting that thing."

"You left him!" Daruk shouted, pulling his own firearm from its holster.

"Guns don't hurt it. You don't happen to have your blade?" Urbosa stated as Daruk huffed a breath, sadly he didn't even think to bring it this morning.

"We have to help." Daruk stated as he pushed past the Gerudo rushing off in the direction that the blight was. Urbosa growled under her breath before turning and rushing after the Goron. She sprinted around the corner to see Link go flying past her, ash covering a good portion of his skin and uniform as he pushed himself to his feet. He wasn't trained for this, he was trained to deal with crazies who tried to get to the princess. A burst of flame soared past them as Urbosa hit the ground, the flames flying over her head before she scrambled to her feet.

"Why are you here?" Link asked as Daruk and Urbosa helped him to his feet.

"Like we're going to leave you to fight that thing alone." Daruk stated as another burst of fire roared towards them. Without thinking the Goron moved in front of them, his knuckles slamming together as an orange glow surrounded the group. The fire collided with the shield before fizzling out and Daruk lowered his hands.

"Huh, it looks like I still got it." Daruk chuckled as Link got to his feet, rushing forward and blocking a glowing blue blade.

"Congrats but a little help would be nice." Link muttered as the two nodded. Urbosa was charging forward before they even had the chance to say anything electricity surging through her blood like fire. The blight raised the blade once more preparing to strike the Gerudo down where she stood. Urbosa stopped as she snapped her fingers, electricity surging forward from nowhere, striking the blight as it roared trying to back away from the electricity.

"Still me." Urbosa whispered as the blight righted itself before an explosion rattled the area. A shrill cry came from the beast as it fell to the ground, the black magic wrapping around it in a flurry to try to fix it's newest injury. A faint chirp sounded from the smoke as a white loftwing broke through, Teba steered the bird around the rising smoke as he slung his bow on his shoulder.

"Need some help?" Teba asked as he soared above them, before a mighty blade fell to the ground beside Daruk. The guard couldn't hide the smile that came from him as he grabbed the boulder breaker from the ground. A scimitar's blade slammed into the ground beside a golden shield. Urbosa couldn't hide the glee in her as she scooped up the precious weapon as the blight got itself ready to fight again. Teba guides his loftwing around, pulling the bow from his shoulder as he knocks a bomb arrow on the string. "Ready whenever you are." Teba shouts as Link glances up at his friend. Right now his concern is killing this blight and whatever lies in the way of getting to Zelda. He just hopes that Revali is alright. 


Hope you guys are enjoying the story. 

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