Chapter 22

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1 week later

"Mariano, give it back", y/n said while chasing him. He took her shoe and was running with it. He jumped on her bed, resulting in her doing the same. She got on top of him and tried to grab the shoe since it was easier in the angel she was in.

She finally grabbed it and grew stiff once she realized the position they wherein. She immediately got off and they sat in silence. Y/n put on her shoe and finally spoke, "Does Mirna want us to get any packages today", "yeah, you should get dressed and be presentable", he said as he looked at her see-through shirt, he didn't notice it before. "Okay" y/n stated while getting up, Mariano left her room and she got dressed.


Y/N's Pov

We drove to the docks, and there stood max. We picked up some packages and gave him the money for it. We got back in our car and placed the cocaine in the back.

"We have a little extra money wanna go to the gas station and get snacks," Mariano asked, "yeah" y/n replied.


They drove to the nearest gas station and parked their car. Right across from the gas station was a stripper club, y/n fake gagged, and looked at mar with disgust causing him to laugh.

They went into the store and picked up some good snacks. Once they were done mar paid for it, mar was about to open the door and leave but she quickly shut it closed.

She saw Mattia with 2 girls around his arms, "umm wait for me I need to use the restroom" she stated. She ran to the restroom and looked at herself in the mirror. "What did you expect y/n," she said to herself.

She took a deep breath and walked out of the restroom. There she saw mar, she looked outside to see if Mattia was there and he wasn't anymore.

Y/n and mar walked back to the car and once they got in he asked, "are you okay". She nodded her head and said, "just not feeling good".

He nodded his head in response and drove back to their place. Once they got there they made their way up to Mariano's room and watched a movie.


In the middle of the movie Mirna walked in, Mar grabbed the remote and turned off the tv. "You guys have a serious mission," she said. "There is a Mafia trading ball next week, it's a place where you can trade stuff with people but I'm not allowed to go. So you two need to go as a couple,".

"Why can't you go", y/n asked, "last year these two people were trading guns and I stole them" "so I'm not trying to get payback" she added.


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