1. The family

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"The strongest actions for a person is to love themself, be themself and shine amongst those who never believe they could"


On the same day, forty-three infants were born to random unconnected woman who showed no signs of pregnancy the day before. Eight are adopted by a man name Reginald who creates The Umbrella Academy and prepares his 'children' to save the world.

Now the siblings reunite upon the news of their father's passing and must work together to solve a mystery surrounding his death. But the estranged family begins to come apart due to their divergent personalities and abilities, not to mention the imminent threat of a global apocalypse.


On the first day of October 1989, 43 women around the world gave birth. This was unusual in the fact that none of these woman had been pregnant when the day first began.

The eccentric billionaire and adventurer Sir Reginald Hargreeves adopted as many of the children as possible. He ended up getting eight of them and trained them into saving the world, called them The Umbrella Academy.

The Umbrella Academy was one of the finest crime fighting forces in the city and they became famous. Always on covers on magazines.

Madison Hargreeves or Maddie as people call her, except her dad who calls her number Eight. She was one of those babies that was bought by Reginald when they were only days old.

Maddie is a member of The Umbrella Academy which is a team of crime-fighters who is wearing domino masks when they were on missions.

She is not proud of being one of the members. The Umbrella Academy was her family but never home. Home makes you feel safe, but in that place, Maddie never felt that.

Her adopted dad never took care of her and her siblings or loved them. Instead of raising them as a single father, giving them a loving and caring home, he created an Academy.

Maddie will say that he adopted them yeah, give them roof over their heads and food on the table, but instead of treating them as his children, he treated them like they were lab rats on his little experiment. He only had them because of their abilities.

Maddie never deemed Reginald their father. He was a cold and selfish, rigid and bold but most importantly, he never showed them love. His caring towards them could be described as training them, but it never felt as if he wanted what was best for them.

Each of the siblings have abilities. Abilities that young children dream of when they watch the superhero movies.

Some would say they're lucky, they have a gift that most people would kill for. But Maddie didn't feel lucky and neither did her siblings, from the day they learned how to walk, they were trained to be crime stopping heroes. Saving the day like any other superhero, how much Maddie hated those days and the ones that came after them.

They all lived in a huge Academy, Maddie hated living in that big Academy but she was glad she wasn't alone, she lived with her siblings or her adopted siblings, since none of them is related by blood. But they see each other as family, and Maddie would not call her family normal, she would call them a dysfunctional family cause that was what they were.

A super dysfunctional family.

But Reginald was not a nice dad, he never took care of Maddie and her siblings or loved them. They were taking care of by a robot woman who they called mom.

Reginald emotionally abused the siblings. He would make them train against each other from six a.m. to noon. At noon, they got thirty minute lunch break. After that, it was training again until dinner time. He used to put these sticky things on their temples when they were sleeping. Put up small camera at their beds too, and he monitored them when they were asleep

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