|second chances|

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Liam ran down to the lobby and got the keys to one of the SUV's they rented. Driving in Brazil was new to him but, he was willing to do whatever to figure out where Zayn was and get him back safely.

A few turns and he was driving down a dark alley that smelled of smoke and beer with the windows down.

Halfway down the alley he spotted Zayn sitting near a pile of cardboard boxes.

He parked, leaving the car and lights on and hopped out to get Zayn.

Zayn launched himself into Liams arms, the tears that he had buried inside finally allowed to escape.

Liam let himself relax into the hug and squeezed Zayn tighter.

Zayn: "what-what should I d-do?!"

Liam: "for now, I think you should calm down and breathe. You're safe, and I'm gonna take you back to the hotel okay?"

Zayn nodded and released himself from Liams embrace before waddling over to the car, not bothering to put his seatbelt on.

Liam: "I don't wanna make you talk if you're not willing to Z, but do you wanna sleep in my room tonight instead?"

Zayn: "I-I dunno Li, I don't think that's a good idea"

Liam: "it's just to clear your head, Harry fucked up Z"

Zayn: "don't remind me"

He lifted his head and watched out the window, the cars flying past them as they rounded the corner into the hotel parking lot.

Liam: "it's up to you, but we can smoke a little weed and calm you down if you want"

Zayn just nodded. He didn't wanna make matters worse with Harry, but then again, Harry let that kiss happen.

Zayn could also tell that Liam was willing to take advantage of his vulnerability and make a move on him at any point, and even though he was struggling to keep from completely breaking down, he knew better.

When they made it into the elevator, they were silent until they'd reached the sixth floor.

Liam: "so what've you decided?"

Zayn: "I uh...I'm gonna go back to my room and shower. I've had enough time to think everything through and it's the best choice, but thanks for the offer Li"

Liam looked upset but just smiled and walked off.

When Liam got back to the room Louis and Niall were still sitting opposite Harry on the couch. Harry's eyes were red and swollen from all of the crying but he still managed to look Liam in the eye.

Harry: "is he okay?"

Liam: "you sure do have him wrapped around your little finger haz, don't you?"

Harry: "what do you mean?"

Liam: "you just fucked him over and he still wants to sleep in the same bed as you"

Harry: "calm down, what's wrong?"

Liam: "I've tried so hard, for the past 2 years to get Zayn to feel something for me...but the whole time, you've had him hooked, and this is how you treat him?! You are the luckiest guy on this planet Harry, landing someone like Z, but you fucked it up. Yet he still fucking wants you. Such bullshit!"

Harry: "are you kidding?! I thought we moved past this nonsense?"

Liam: "we didn't move past a thing, you did. Because you have him. Every inch of him is yours. You get to kiss his pink lips, you get to touch his chiseled cheek bones, you get to hear him tell you that he loves you...and I'm just here hoping that someday I'll get my chance, but I'm losing hope. Wanna know why? Because no matter how many times you fuck him over, he's still right there ready to hold you."

Liam wiped a tear before it could run down his cheek as he escaped into the bathroom.

Harry: "what the fuck"

Louis: "I think the only thing that you can do in this situation is to go back to your room and see if you can talk it out with Zayn. We'll try to calm Liam down but, I can't promise anything."

Harry sighed, so fed up with how today went.

Niall: "and Harry"

Harry turned to face Niall

Niall: "I don't agree with your actions but, you're my best friend and I promise that I've got your back. Call me if you need me."

Harry faked a smile, but deep down he really was grateful for his bond with Niall.

Harry left the room and took a few steps down the hall to his own. He was nervous but, ready to talk things out.

When he stepped inside, Zayn was on the couch right in front of him.

Harry: "hey"

Zayn: "hey"

Harry: "I'm glad you came back"

Zayn: "me too"

Harry: "do you wanna talk?"

Zayn: "about what?"

Harry: "about what I did"

Zayn patted the cushion on the couch that was next to him and Harry took a seat.

Harry: "why are you so calm?"

Zayn: "honestly, I dunno"

Harry: "well, I um...I'm really sorry babe"

Zayn: "I know you are"

Harry: "I promise that I wouldn't have went to Luke's room if I knew that was gonna happen, you've gotta believe that."

Zayn: "I believe it, I just can't fathom the fact that you didn't push her off of you when she touched your lips"

Harry: "I did, she only had her lips on mine for 2 seconds, if that"

Zayn took a deep breath

Harry: "and I know I don't deserve you, and I'm the luckiest guy in the world that I have you. I've fucked you over so many times, especially now and I feel like the worst boyfriend in the world. Liam told me that I shouldn't have you because I've hurt you too many times, and every time you stay. I guess I should look at things from a different angle and-"

Zayn: "wait Liam said what?"

Harry: "he came in the room pissed after he dropped you off, I just figured you knew"

Zayn: "no, he seemed fine when we came up"

Harry: "he basically screamed at me and told me that he never got a chance with you after all of these years because I had you wrapped around my finger. He told me I shouldn't have you after how many times I've fucked you over and he's jealous of all of the things I get to do with you. Just a bunch of shit that I saw coming sooner or later."

Zayn: "Harry, you might've just caught me off guard and I'd be lying if I told you that my heart didn't sink but don't listen to that shit he's feeding you. You deserve me and I give you second chances because I know you're willing to change in order to love me. That's why I love you. I'll have a chat with him and smooth things over okay?"

Harry nodded, still questioning if he really did deserve Zayn.

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