|im sorry|

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Zayn hung up and smiled.

He rushed back downstairs and the boys were staring at him. It must've been a long call.

Liam: "did you fall in or something?!"

Zayn chuckled

They all resumed the game and played for a little while longer before they all decided to leave and head home.

All of them except for Zayn who was already home, but he was leaving too.

Once all the lads left, Zayn got dressed in sweats, grabbed his keys and headed out the door quickly.

He drove all the way there speeding, wanting to make it there as fast as possible. When he pulled in he shut his car off and fled to the doorstep.

He called Harry because that's where he was.

Harry: "you woke me up"

Zayn: "don't care, come answer your door"

Harry: "mkay"

Harry smiled, god he was crushing so hard.

He slipped some sweats on, leaving his torso bare and gently ran down the stairs to the door, when he opened it Zayn was standing there waiting for him.

Harry: "you realize it's midnight right?"

Zayn: "I do, and why does that matter?"

Harry: "we've got an interview tomorrow Zayn"

Zayn: "so you don't wanna hang out or?"

Harry: "come on"

Harry pulled Zayn by his sleeve into his flat and closed the door behind him, making sure no paparazzi were outside of his house snapping photos.

Harry: "you want a cup of tea?"

Zayn: "that would be wonderful"

Harry smirked, his dimples caving into the sides of his cheeks.

Zayn: "where's your shirt at?"

Harry: "I don't sleep with a shirt on idiot, and you woke me if you didn't remember"

Zayn: "oh I see, I see"

Harry: "don't act like you don't like what you see"

Zayn smiled a took a sip of the tea.

Harry: "z"

Zayn: "hmm?"

Harry: "why are we doing this?"

Zayn: "doing what?"

Harry: "acting like there's no sexual attraction between us right now when in reality, I wanna rip every piece of clothing that you have on, off of you."

Zayn: "the feeling is mutual believe me, but we need to figure out how to do this Harry"

Harry: "right now?! you came over so we could talk about that?!"

Zayn: "let's talk about it, and then we can fool around some...okay?"

Harry smiled as he took another sip of tea.

Harry: "fine but I'm sitting on the couch"

Zayn followed him and sat down first, knowing Harry would wanna he pressed up against him.

Zayn: "listen, I'm gonna try my best to keep the pda with Liam to a minimum for your sake...because I know you'll get pissed."

Harry nodded

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