|tossing and turning|

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Harry sighed when he heard Zayn shut the door behind him.

Why did Liam get to call and take him away so easily? Why couldn't he have just pulled Zayn back and made him stay? Should they even be doing this?

Questions flooded Harry's head, and he couldn't take it anymore. He needed a hot shower and to cry until his eyes were swollen shut.

He's had a crush on Zayn for as long as he could remember, always wanting something to happen between them...and now that it was, it had to be scandalous and secretive.

What would it be like to be in Liams shoes?


Back at Zayn's flat he came running in with a random gallon of milk that he wasn't craving at all, but the lie he made up was believed by Liam and that's all he cared about.

Liam: "what took you so long?"

Zayn: "i uh...the line was long"

Liam: "you were craving milk that bad?"

Zayn: "yeah it was weird but I wanted it so, I dunno"

Liam: "I came back to cuddle you to sleep"

Zayn: "oh yeah, thanks"

They made their way up to Zayn's bed and took their shirts off, along with their sweats, leaving them in just their boxers.

Zayn wanted to be the big spoon, but he knew Liam did too, so he just relaxed and let him wrap his arms around him protectively.

Only a few minutes before they both started to doze off Zayn's phone started ringing. It was Harry.

Liam: "why is he calling you at 2 am?"

Zayn: "dunno? Maybe he needs something. I'll be right back okay?"

Liam groaned as Zayn walked out the door and downstairs to his balcony.

Zayn: "hello?"

Harry: "I miss you"

Zayn: "Harry...you know I wanna wrap my arms around you and kiss you until my lips are swollen but what else was I supposed to do when he called me?"

Harry: "tell him you stayed at your moms, I dunno? I wanna be with you. I wanna be on you zayn"

Zayn: "I know, but it's 2 am...I can't leave now"

Harry: "it's fine"

Zayn: "tomorrow night, I'm all yours okay?"

Harry: "mkay"

Zayn: "we'll have loads of alone time...just us"

Harry: "Z?"

Zayn: "hmm?"

Harry: "have you guys fucked?"

Zayn: "no, and I'll tell you when we do okay?"

Harry: "mhm, are you sleeping with your clothes on?"

Zayn: "I'm in my boxers why?"

Harry: "oh...it's nothing"

Zayn: "what is it?"

Harry: "nothing, I'll get used to it."

Zayn: "just remember, I don't feel anything toward him like what I feel for you yeah?"

Harry: "yeah"

Zayn: "I'll see you tomorrow, and quit crying I can tell you have been"

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