Chapter 18

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I stand in line to grab my lunch. The guys voice that trapped me in the closet was familiar. Who was he? Why does he want ten nude pictures of me? This makes no sense, there is no way he knew about my brother, the only other person I told about Caleb to was Christina, but she wouldn't tell anyone, or would she. No stop it Tris, your underestimating her.  Everything is spinning inside me, Caleb's foster parents not wanting me to see him, this guy, Tobias. Wait, Tobias? Why, He has nothing to do with this. But you can't stop thinking about him. I have never thought about Tobias. My stomach starts to feel queasy when I remember about finishing the assignments. 

"Dude! Move up," A kid yells at me.

The line advanced up ahead of me while I was lost in my own world. I grab my tray and start walking trying to figure out what to grab. There isn't nothing good to eat, then again, there never is, besides i'm not that hungry. I put the tray back and get out of line walking over to Christina where she and Will are cuddling up against each other. I walk around them and sit in front of them.

"Is this going to continue, if so, please tell me so I can get my eyeballs removed," I say sarcastically.  

Christina rolls her eyes and continues to get fed by Will. I fake gag although my stomach doesn't feel good. Tobias comes around and sits next to me watching them with a raised eyebrow. 

"Are they going to continue this throughout the whole school year," he says. 

I shrug and lay my head on the table clutching on to my stomach, I feel it churning, and I can't stop thinking about everything. I sit up straight trying to calm my stomach down. The food feels like its about to come out. 

"Oh Tris, make sure you finish the paper due tomorrow its half our grade," Christina says. 

"Yeah, I got it," I say fast, speaking makes it a bit worse. 

"Tris, I was thinking you could be my model for a photography company I'm trying to impress," Tobias says.

"Sounds fun.....," I say.

"Great we start Saturday, three in the afternoon," he says.

"Tris what happened with your brother, are they letting you see him," Christina says.

"Stiff, we all know that you cheated on your science test," Peter says as he approaches us. 

Literally he has no reason to say that whatsoever.

"Really you did Tris," Christina says.

"Tris, also I need you to wear a certain type of clothing for the shoot," Tobias says.

Everyone is talking to me all at once, about the photoshoot, Caleb, some stupid reason for the science test. The assignments due. My breathing starts to become uneven and I can't control the thoughts running through my mind. I clutch my stomach more as I try to talk and answer all these questions. Suddenly I feel the burning sensation in my throat and I swallow it. The food that has already been inside me is forcing itself out and I can't hold it anymore. I cover my mouth and run to the restroom ignoring all the calls from my friends. 

I don't bother to check if anyone is inside the restroom and head straight for the first open stall I find. My body throws itself to the grow and extracts all the fluids inside me. My throat burns and my body uses all its force to take all of it out. I spit out whatever was left in my mouth and lean against the stall. I move my hair out of the way, putting it into a ponytail. Everything is to much for me. I don't know if throwing up is weak or not, but I just couldn't take it. 

Christina comes rushing in and bends down next to me hugging me. I hug her back and tears slip down my eyes and onto her shirt. 

"Chris its to much for me," I say. 

"Tris I'm sorry if we made you feel pressured," she says with worry in her tone. 

"Chris, Calebs parents aren't letting me see him," I say clutching onto her more balling my eyes out. 

She flushes the toilet and helps me stand up. She guides me to the sink and I wash my mouth with the water. I splash my face with the water and walk out Christina helping me. Tobias and Will help the minute they see me. We all sit down on the bench a few feet away from the restroom. Instead of Christina wrapping her arms around, Tobias has his and I lay on his chest. He rubs my back and I start feeling calm and relaxed. 

"Im sorry Tris, for pressuring you into this, we should have known you were feeling unwell. We told Peter off already," Tobias says, rubbing circles around my back. 

"Its okay...," I say quietly, my eyes closed. 

"Do you need to go ho-," Christina starts, but before she could finish, I cut her off, already knowing what she implied. 

"No. I don't want to go home," I say.

"Why not? Tris you just threw up," Christina says concerned.

"Because I don't want to go. I'm fine. It was nothing," I say.

"Tris, I think you should go to the nurses office," Tobias says touching my forehead.

I shake my head and burry my head in his chest. Everyone stays silent for a while and the bell rings, interrupting the dead silence between us with everyone flooding out. I stand up and hug Christina as I head to my locker. Tobias stands by me helping my with my books. As we walk to my class everyone stares at Tobias in disgust, probably from him helping me. He scoffs some off and we arrive at my class. I apologize for making him late to his class and he says he doesn't mind. I hug him and thank his for helping me. He walks off and I enter, noticing Peter and Molly hanging around where I usually sit.

"Stiff!," Peter says."Heard you were to weak to keep your food down your stomach."

I roll my eyes and find my way around my seat. As I sit Molly leaves and Peter stays for a while. 

"What do you want," I say out of annoyance. 

"Just came to drop something off," he says while placing a piece of paper on my desk.

I pick it up cautiously as he walks away. The piece of paper had an email address on it, on the bottom it says to have them delivered by tomorrow. Peter smirks at me as I look up. It was him, he wants me to send those pictures. Is he really that stupid? To give me his email directly. I stand up and crumple the paper throwing it to him. 

"You really think I'm going to send you those pictures," I say.

"I don't want you to send me those pictures, the email is from someone else, I was just asked to give it to you," he says. 

"I don't believe you," I say. 

"Ask the teacher for my email and he'll give it to you and it won't be the one on the paper," he says and sits down in his seat. 

Before class starts I approach the teacher asking for Peters email. I know its stupid, but maybe he is telling the truth. Or maybe he's not. We still need to make sure. The teacher looks at my confused and gives it to me anyway. I copy it down on the piece of paper given to me and head to my seat, my teacher proceeding to teach the lesson. The emails look nothing like each other, he was telling the truth. Then if its not Peter, who is this creep. I look around at every guy in the classroom and I have no idea who it could be. Someone knows about Caleb and now they want my body part pictures. I need to tell someone about this. 

Sorry for that short crappy chapter, but I will try to make it more interesting the rest of the chapters. Love you all - JJ :) 

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