Chapter 24

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Christina sits on my bed insisting I go to the mall with her and shop at whatever store she wants to go into. Maybe she wants to take my mind off the case, have something else to worry about. Its Tuesday and she already wants to go, can't I just enjoy the first few days without worry about school and mall and Caleb and all other kinds of crap.

"Tris, come on. I know you're upset about the adoption not going well, but you need to get your mind off of him," she says.

Okay, so it is to get my mind off of him.

"Chris, its easier said than done, we should have won the case, but she had to ruin everything! UGH! Why can't she just give me my happy ending," I say out of frustration.

A small knock appears on the door and I give Christina a small glance before walking to open the door. Tobias stands in the doorway with his hands in his pockets. He wears a beanie and a sweatshirt, his pants are a bit wet on the bottom from the snow, as well as his black converse.

"Hey Prior, your dads awesome," he says.

I look back at Christina and she puts her hands up in defense.

"You called him over," I say.

"I feel the love," Tobias says sarcastically.

"I thought he might help, you guys are kinda close," she says.

"Uagh," I say and move out of the doorway so he can come in.

Tobias sits on the bed next to Chris and I sit across from them in my desk chair.

"Tell her she needs to get her mind off of Caleb and needs to go shopping with me," Chris says impatiently towards Tobias.

I roll my eyes and Christina sighs. Tobias cracks his knuckles and calls out my last name a few times. I don't answer, showing him I'm not interested. Until he says my full name I respond with a rude, what.

"Tris I know you miss Caleb and I know you're mad about the trial not ending well, but I promise you, he will get adopted. Now might not be the time, but there still is any other day. Right now, lets just clear our minds and go find whatever we can," Tobias says calmly.

I sigh in defeat and lean my head back a bit. I close my eyes and my brain tries clearing the memories of the trial. That doesn't work because all I see is my mother yelling from across the room and me and Caleb quietly sitting in the chair with his head down. Instead, I make a fantasy world, where its just Caleb and I and no one else to take either of us away. I open my eyes and smile a bit at both Tobias and Christina.

"Fine, ill ask Natalie and Andrew if I can go. Wait here," I say and walk out of the room.

As I approach the room, I hear Natalie's giggle and Andrews deep voice. Slowly I knock on the door and I hear Natalie's voice, telling me to come in. When I enter, both Natalie and Andrew are sitting on their bed, playing a game of scramble.

"Hey Tris, come over here," Andrew says.

I walk over to them and sit on their bed, making sure I don't knock over their bored or ruin it because Im cursed with a bit of the worst clumsiness.

"Whats up sweetheart," Natalie says.

"Tobias and Christina want to take me out to the mall, but I wanted to ask your permission first," I say.

"Of course, just be back before nine," Andrew says.

Natalie nods and I hug them, knocking over the bored in between us. I pull back slowly and my face turns a bit red, from the embarrassing moment that just happened.

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