Chapter 15

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The day went by pretty fast. It went from discussing a book in english to learning how to do percent composition in science. History isn't that boring today for as we learn about the major events that happened in the civil war. Besides that, i've been getting really bad vibes with Peter. He stares at me during class and its really starting to bug me. To tell the truth I always thought he had a thing for Molly, but now I notice how he mistreats her. He's a real jackass, whichever girl ever happens to come across him, I hope she doesn't get hurt.

The bell rings to indicate that schools over and it's time to rush out to get home. Well for most people. My rush isn't usually to get home, but to avoid getting beaten. My locker stands a few feet away as I try to squeeze into all these jocks who are all over girls, making out with them, throwing footballs around. What's wrong with these people. Once I finally, make it to my locker, I put in the combination in and put all my books in and taking out the only books I need to do homework, which consists of history questions and math problems.

I scoot back a little and my locker slams shut. I flinch and stare at the person who slammed it, Molly.

"Stay away from him," she says.

"Stay away from who," I ask uncertain of who she's talking about. Tobias?

"Peter smart one. I see how he looks at you, he's mine and you better not take him from me!," she says while spitting in my face this time.

"Molly, im not interested in Peter. I swear," I say.

She pushes me out of the way and walks to the left side of the hallway. She turns around and yells something I can hardly make out and then turns away.

I shake my head and turn around bumping into someone. Tobias stands there trying to steady me. I smile a bit at my clumsiness and he smiles as well.

"Whats the rush Prior," he says joking.

"I have to get home, ill see you tomorrow," I say and rush out of the school leaving him next to my locker.

Christina waits for me next to her car with Will's arm blocking her way. Im only a few feet away and I can hear Christina's giggle. As I approach them, they lean in to kiss and I stand there waiting for them to pull apart. Instead of a small goodbye kiss, it turns into a make-out scene. Watching them makes me feel slightly awkward. I clear my throat to imply that I'm here. They pull away and Will has blushed cheeks forming. They say goodbye and Will leaves.

I get in the passenger side of Christinas car and she drives off.

"That was awkward," I say.

"One day thats going to be you my child," she says.

"Shut up," I say and she sticks her tongue out at me.

I return the favor and she turns on the radio, and of corse her favorite song from Fall Out Boy starts playing. She turns it up all the way and pulls the windows down. I sing along with her, enjoying the cold breeze in my face.

"She wants to dance like Uma Thurman, burry me 'till I confess!!," she sings at the top of her lungs.

"She wants to dance like Uma Thurman and I can't get you out of my head!!," I finish the sentence for her.

When we approach the neighborhood, she stops at the nearest stop sign and turns the volume all the way down and pulls up the windows, child locking them. Now all you can hear is the faint sounds of the song and children screaming and laughing in the distance. I get out of the car saying bye to her and start walking. I turn around and notice she's gone. I smile a little at her for being such a chicken. People from my nieghborhood stare as I walk past their houses, it give me the chills a bit, but I'm sort of used to it.

My keys feel cool against my skin as I open the front door. I place the key back in my backpack and something behind me creaks. I stop moving and listen for the sound. It creaks again, I quickly put the key back and move to the fridge grabbing the leftovers and putting it in the microwave. As I wait, the sounds of dogs barking and the wind whooshing make me a bit nervous. The microwave makes its beeping sound and I take out the plate of chicken and place it on the table. Once that is finished, quickly I start heading upstairs. I barely touch the fourth step when I'm pulled back from my hair and I land on the floor. Standing above me is Bud, a furious expression on his face. I try getting up, but he puts me down.

"What is your problem!," I yell at him.

He grabs me and picks me up throwing me into the living room. I stand up and dodge his oncoming punch. He throws himself towards me and I move out of the way, causing him to land on the table that lies in the middle of the room. It's not until he faces me that I notice his eyes are blood shot red and his lips are crusted. He rushes towards me and grabs me forcing me to the floor. Punching and kicking, I fight him back, I'm not going to let him hurt me anymore. He throws me aside and I stand up running towards him. I wrap my arms around his waist hoping I can knock him down, but instead he launches me off him.

The now broken table lies beneath me and Bud stands above me. I'm to weak now to even move. He bends down next to me and shakes his head. The last thing I see before everything turns black is the image of Bud's face and his fist charging towards me.


My bed lies underneath me when I awake and my eyes try focusing themselves at the wall in front of me. My head hurts when I try getting up. I touch my head and notice something was wrapped around my hand. Gauze. How did that end up there and how did I end up here. There's a card on my nightstand and I reach to grab it ignoring the pain that surges through my back.

The card seems to have been in a rush, the hand writing is kinda hard to read when I open it. I examine the whole card trying to find who wrote it, but no one signed it. The card read: Beatrice, please don't come to school the next day. You need to rest and don't worry, you will be saved, just give it some time. Hope you feel better and your homework is on me. See you around school.

I'm confused by the letter. I throw it aside and sit in my bed, trying thinking who could have written it to me. But right at the moment, I'm not up for it, so I just lie there, waiting for someone to help me.

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