Chapter 25

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The smell of alcohol burns my nose and the smell of smoke burns my lungs, I want to leave, but I have to stay, for Chris. Every corner of this house has at least one couple making out or on the verge of having sex. Tobias stands next to me by the stairway where no one really notices. A red cup lies in my right hand filled with the brown substance I dare not let in my mouth. Tobias holds the same, we end up giving it to someone else. The place is barely visible, a smoke machine has covered the living room and half of the hallway. Girls are dressed in really high dresses, with heels, some have sexy santa hats on and some guys are wearing santa short shorts with no shirt and a santa hat.

"Hey, i'll be right back I have to use the restroom!," Tobias yells in my ear, due to the loud music.

I nod my head and watch him leave. I feel a bit nervous now that Tobias is not with me, but then again why would anyone want to be near a girl wearing a t-shirt, pants, and converse at a party in which most people are half naked. My feet start feeling uncomfortable from standing and I walk towards the kitchen to get my body moving. Surprisingly, its not as loud in here as it is out there, but there are a few people flirting. Once they see me, the move to a more, err, private place, leaving the kitchen all to myself. I don't know who the house belongs to and here I am invading their counter by making myself a sandwich.

The door slightly opens and I see someone walk in. I stop spreading the mayonnaise on the bread and turn towards the person, still holding the knife. A half naked guy in a santa hat stands in front of me and I dare not look down. I put the knife back on the cutting bored. His face shows no fear but his eyes show dubiety whether or not he should talk to me. 

"Have you seen a tall blonde in here," he says.

I don't say anything and he shakes his head, indicating to forget anything he just said. He walks out and in comes a couple making out. The girls legs are wrapped around the guys waist like a snake and his hands are rustled in her hair. They lean against the counter I was operating my sandwich on and I walk out, not wanting them to see me. 

Tobias has not returned from the bathroom and I'm skeptical about going up the stairs. My lungs start to burn more with each inhale and the alcohol becomes stronger and I decide to go up, just for the sake of not smelling these things anymore. Its quieter up here and the vibration of the loud music becomes faint. All the doors look the same and there is no way of telling where Tobias is. I concentrate for a bit thinking about which door could be the restroom.  I walk towards the last door to the right. My fist is inches away from knocking, but the door opens and Tobias walks out.

"Careful with that fist Prior," he says.

"You took forever, there are a lot of creeps here, can we find Christina and go home," I say

"Sure, lets start by looking in these rooms, I doubt she's downstairs," he says.

The floor board creaks with every step, not for that fact that the house is trying to add effect, but for the sake of it being really old. The door's metal handle stares at me, the reflection in it shows a girl with blonde wavy hair and dark circles under her eyes. She's wearing an old t-shirt she uses to sleep in, and her lips seem as if they are dry, the reflection is like a fun house, making her face stretch. Something inside me tells me not to go in, but for the sake of all things, Christina is missing and I have to find her. My hand feels cool against the metal and the reflection disappears. Quietly Tobias and I enter the room, waiting to see some teenagers having, interactions. We hear nothing and Tobias walks more inside to see the whole room. He sighs.

"Theres no one in here," he says."Just and old bedroom."

We walk back out, heading downstairs towards the living room to find Christina. Tobias stands behind me to be cautious about the guys doing there nasty habits. Again the smell of alcohol re-enters my nose and it burns my nostrils ask my eyes try adjusting to the smoke that is covering the living room. Christina's laugh is heard from the left of my ear and I walk in the direction of her laughing and screaming. Someone grabs my arm and I forcibly rip it back and turn around to face the person who grabbed me. Tobias mouths something that I cannot make out and I shake it off, walking towards Christina's laugh.

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