[ 14 ] - pitch got elsa

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"LET ME GO! " Elsa struggle to let herself go from pitch grip. Pitch tied elsa with his shadow and brought her away far from Arendelle. "I SAID LET ME GO!" elsa shoot an ice to pitch hand making him to let her go. Elsa fall on her butt but the smoke still tied her up. Pitch just shakes his head and let out an evil laugh. "Who gonna safe you now elsa?" Pitch slowly approaching elsa. Elsa back off until she hit a three. She tried to escape the smoke but it's too strong. "Jack will come and find you!" Elsa look at pitch with a fierce look.

Pitch : oh... So now you wanted to say that you have a feeling for jack?

Elsa silent for a while.

Pitch : let me tell you something about jack. He's a guardian of fun. He like to have fun. *make jack frost image with smoke* but love. *make heart shape* he will never felt anything like love. *blow the smoke* he is dead and he just know how to have fun. Don't hope for that feeling, elsa.

Elsa : i-i... Don't say that I like jack!

Pitch : oh you do. Why did you mention jack and not your sister? I'm hoping you to say anna will safe me. But you did hope for jack. Now let's go *grab Elsa hand*

Elsa still trying to escape but suddenly she feel an arch in her heart. She feel hurt suddenly. Is it true? She's thinking if what pitch said is true or not.


Olaf and kristoff walk to enter the castle. "No snowman or villager" The guard block their way. "But I'm Anna's boyfriend" Kristoff said. But the guard ignore his words. Olaf and kristoff look at each other. "HYE LOOK THE QUEEN ESCAPE!" olaf point at somewhere making the guard rushly to look at what he point. Kristoff run and push the guard while olaf follow him. "Good tactic olaf" Kristoff compliment.

"They creature has escape." Anna listen the guard conversation and she's confident that the guard had go. But the door still lock. Suddenly, "anna!" Olaf open the door and anna stand up. "Kristoff! Olaf! I'm glad you guys came" Anna hug kristoff and he hug back. "Um guys... You must take a look at this." Olaf stare at the window and anna rush to see what happened. "It's... The smoke creature!" Arendelle surrounded by black smoke.

The guardian run away but they had been surrounded by the smoke creature. "It's show time" Bunnymund take out his boomerang and they prepare for fight. While jack still looking for elsa that been kidnapped by pitch. "ELSA!" Jack notice there is an ice thorn at the three that elsa hit just now. He had that feeling. He is near by elsa now.

Tarula Kingdom

"Prince Javier" a guard bow politely at Javier. "Hey, what's going on?" Javier look at them. "We want permission from you to close the main gate of kingdom." The guard said and Javier in confusion. "Why?" Javier simply ask. "Arendelle is surrounded by black smoke. And we afraid that it will give effect to our kingdom also." Javier widened his eyes. "I must go to arendelle." Javier stand up. "But prince!" The guard try to stop Javier but Javier ride his horse immediately.

K. Ovwerd : javier! No! It's dangerous

Javier : I don't care if it's was dangerous papa. Their are my friends and I must help them *get ready* Besides, I'm a guardian. I love you papa

K. Ovwerd : *sigh + smile a lil* i love you too. Be careful

Javier ride his horse and rush to arendelle. "He's ready" Smith placed his hand on King ovwerd shoulder. And ovwerd slowly nodded.

Pitch push elsa roughly into a cabin wood and elsa hold her head. Pitch trap elsa with his smoke and place his hand on elsa forehead to set nightmare on her. "Let me go! HELP ME!" elsa struggling to escape. "Enchanted forest first. Second is arendelle" Pitch smirk and he successfully set nightmare on elsa making elsa fall asleep. Pitch exited the wood and lock elsa in it. Suddenly he nearly been attacked by an ice ball. "Oh jack, I'm waiting for you." Pitch look at jack that appears in front of him. "Where is elsa?" Jack point his stick at pitch. "You're a little late jack."  Jack attack but pitch avoided.

Elsa : where am i? *look around*

Suddenly she saw herself with anna.

Elsa : I can't! *shoot anna on the heart*

"ANNA NO!" she try to stop it but the image burst. And she heard whisper "you're dangerous" keep repeating making her to fear and extreme winter started to form. Jack look around in confuse and pitch let out an evil laugh. "LET HER GO!" jack attack pitch but pitch block with his power making the ice ball turn back to Jack. Jack jumped to avoid it and suddenly the winter become harder. Jack can't even see pitch. "You can't love her jack" Jack shot at his right after he heard voice coming from there. "You're dead" And it's came from behind making jack to confuse. The words keep repeating making jack keep looking around.

Prince Javier on his way to the arendelle, but suddenly, he saw a huge snow near enchanted forest. He decided to go to the place that is wintering.

He arrived at the location and he can't see anything because the winter is really heavy. Suddenly, he found a cabin wood where elsa been lock.

[ updated at 00:32 a.m.]

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